~Chapter 8~

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Your POV

I woke up to the sound of text. Damn! I could've known who was that guy! Ugh... I yawned as I took my phone and saw Aphmau's text.

|Text Convo Start|

Aph: Hey (Y/N), you there?

You: Hey... You woke me up so there must be a problem... What's wrong?

Aph: Everything's fine. What's wrong is that I have a friend who's in trouble.

You: Okay, tell me about this 'friend' of yours. 

Seriously, who does she think she's talking to? She's talking about herself but doesn't want me to know... I may be a bit sleepy but I can still figure out things.

Aph: My friend kissed her bestfriend's crush. I'm not sure if I should say anything.

You: Aph... Are you talking about a friend or yourself in Garroth's situation?

Aph: How did you know?!!

You: Come on Aph. I may be a bit sleepy but I can still figure things out. So tell me, did Garroth know that Laurance liked you too when he kissed you?

Aph: He did...

You: I would tell you to stay away from Garroth but I'm sure Laurance would do the same thing. But, just stay out of it. This problem should be handled by Garroth himself.

Aph: What about Laurance? He'll be heartbroken. I just texted him a while ago. He trusts Garroth so much. I don't want their friendship to be broken because of one kiss.

You: If he likes you so much, he would be happy for both of you. If Garroth likes you so much too, he would do the same.

Aph: Thanks (Y/N). Thanks for the advice. Anyway, I have to sleep now. Night.

You: Night.

|Text Convo End|

I really want to know who that guy was. I better sleep for tomorrow...


It was lunch time. "Hey pup, guess what." Gene said as he walked up to me. "What is it now Gene?" I asked in a harsh voice. "If you keep talking to me like that, you better start showing you ears and tail." Gene said. "W-What?" I asked. "I know your real secret. You don't want anyone to know that you're a-" I cut him off. "No! Shut up!" I yelled. I was walking as fast as I can away from the  Shadow Knights. I stumbled upon the Music room so I entered. I sighed. I tried opening a practice room but it was locked. I leaned on the door, tearing up. "No.." I mumbled, wiping my tears. "This is bad. I just want them to leave Aph and I alone..." I said. "Why are you sad?" A muffled voice of a boy asked. My eyes widened. This was like my dream... Deja Vu? "Why are you here? I thought everyone was at lunch." I said. "I thought so too. Now tell me, why are you sad?" He asked as the the beautiful guitar music started. The same music in my dream. "Why do you stay here practicing instead of eating lunch?" I asked. "I guess I'm not hungry." He said.  "I-I know that song." I said. "You do? You play final fantasy too? Nevermind that, what's wrong?" He asked. "I don't even know who you are." I said. "I think it's better that way. You can trust me, I promise." He said. "Well, you know Gene? He's been blackmailing my friend and me. He has a video of me. Doing something good and bad. I don't want the good video getting out because it'll ruin my reputation. Even right now is ruining my reputation. Crying as someone near me thinks I'm so weak and fragile." I said, punching that ground. "I don't think you're weak or fragile. So, how bad is the other video?" He asked. "It's bad enough for me to hide it. I'm scared that if it gets out, everyone would make fun of me. My friends would leave me." I said. The music stops. "Don't let him blackmail you. If you do, you're definitely going to have a bad time. Get it like this, you wanna keep your secret safe but do you wanna let this guy make you look weak?" He asked as the music came back. "Of course not! I hate him! But, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me." I said. "Call him out the next time he's gonna blackmail you. Trust me, it's better than being controlled." He said. "What if my friends hate me? What if they leave me because of who I am?" I asked. "Then make new ones! If they don't appreciate you for who you are, they don't deserve to be your friends. I'm sure there'll be at least one person who accepts you for who you are." He said. "Thank you. I wanna ask you again. Who are you?" I asked. "I'm-" He got cut off by the bell. "You should get to class." He said. "Thank you for listening. You and your guitar playing made me feel better. May I come by some other lunch period?" I asked. "Thanks. You are welcome to come anytime you like." He said. With that, I left.


I was walking with Aph, talking about how to stop Gene in blackmailing us. Guess who we bumped into. Gene. "Look at what we have here. It's Pup and Kitty." Gene said. "What in the name of Irene do you want?" I asked. "We're gonna skip again. Sasha and Zenix are waiting for us outside." Gene said. Aph was about to complain until I stopped her. "No." I said. "No, I refuse!" Aph said. "What? You hear that? Laurance's heart shattering into a thousand pieces as there is guitar music in the background with someone growling." Gene said. "Hey Gene!" Zane said. "How many times did I tell you to stay away from us!" Gene said, pushing Zane down. "Zane!" Aph said. "C'mon Kitty, Pup, let's go." Gene said. "NO!" Aph said. "I said no!" I growled. "What's with that tone you're using on me? Don't you forget what I have." Gene said. "We're done being your puppet Gene! I know you have a picture of Garroth kissing me but I'm done being your puppet!" Aph said. "I know that you have a video of me playing guitar and not being what I seem to be but I don't want to be your little pet anymore!" I said. "Laurance will-" Gene was cut off. "Show Laurance! I don't care! I'm not doing your bidding anymore!" Aph yelled. "Everyone will-" Gene was cut off. "I don't care Gene! Show everyone, I'm not doing your bidding. AND don't you dare put your hands on anyone around me or else I'll fight you myself! I don't care if I get expelled doing so!" I yelled. "Looks like you 2 are no longer little pets anymore. Alright, you win." Gene said. "What?" Aph asked. "I'm not playing this game anymore, it's boring if you're not under our control." Gene said. "Just like that?" Aph asked. "Just like that. Goodbye Kitty, have fun at class." Gene said, leaving us. I left Aph with Zane, going to class.


Mr. Jerk bumped into me. "Watch where you're going, you stupid pup!" He growled. I growled at him and left.

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