~Chapter 6~ Blackmailed/The Lycan son?

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Your POV

I was walking fast to my homeroom since I was late until I see Jerk walking away from Aphmau and Gene. Wait, why is Aphmau with Gene? I walk close to Aphmau. "You have no idea what you're getting into. I pity you." I said, walking away. "Walk one more step and I'll tell your secret to the entire school." Gene said, making me stop. "Grr, which one?" I asked. "Well, you wouldn't want to perform in front of the entire school, would you?" Gene asked. Irene, help me. I walk back to them. "Alright Gene, what do you want?" I asked. "I wanna show you two something." Gene showed Aph a picture of her kissing Garroth then plays a recorder with me playing the guitar. "W-Where did you get this?" Aph stuttered. "Ha, you can only hear it. You can't tell that it's me, unless you have an actual video of it, do you?" I asked. "Of course I do." Gene showed me a video of me playing the guitar. Grr... How'd he get this? Was he stalking me?! "Oh Irene..." I said.  "Well, if you two don't want your secrets to be around the school, come outside at lunch."  Gene said, leaving. "Oh no.." Aph said in a panicking voice.


I decided to go there hidden so I went under the seats. I appeared behind a girl with silver-ish hair. I notice Aph here. She arrived earlier than me, I'm impressed. "Hey kitty, where's that other friend of yours?" Gene asked. "I-I don't know." I tapped the girl's shoulder, causing her to scream. "WHEN DID YOU GET THERE?!" The guy with brown hair asked. "I didn't expect her to scream..." I said, ignoring the guy's question. "(y/N)!" Aph said. I waved. "Well, (Y/N) is a bad name. By the way she was before, she's got fangs, like a werewolf. I'll call you Pup." Gene said.  "Yeah, I like that, Gene. Pup is way better than (Y/N)." Silver haired girl said. "Grrr, I'm not a pup." I growled. "Aww, the pup's growling." Zenix cooed. It caused me to throw Zenix away. "Feisty, I like it." Gene said. "Don't make me throw you too." I said. "(Y/N)! W-Why did you do that?" Aph asked. "He was getting under my skin." I said. "Bad girl already." Sasha said. "You guys, you can talk to Aphmau, or something. I'll just be here, not bothering to listen to your voices." I said, going under the seats again. I saw Laurance walk away with Aph so I wondered. What's he doing? "Hey Pup, get over here." I walked over to him. "Here's my number. I might need some help with my homework. Now go carry on." Gene said, making me leave. I doubt that he wants me to help him with his homework. I receive a text from Gene. Wow, that's fast. "Meet me after dismissal." The text read. Well then..


"Gene." I said, walking towards him. "Ah, Pup." Gene said. "So, what do you need me to do this time?" I asked. "I want you to meet my mother. And I need a bit of help with homework." Gene said. "Why would you want me to meet your mother?" I asked. "I want to show her that I can be friends with somebody like you. My mom dislikes Sasha and Zenix because, they're bad eggs." Gene said. "Don't you know I'm a bad egg too?" I asked. "You're not much of a bad egg." Gene said. "And you're not much of a good egg." I said. "Aph already met my mother. My mother just went back home to check on Dante. She could be here any minute now. Oh, there she is." Gene said. "Oh hey Gene. What's this? Another proper looking girl. Who is she?" Gene's mom asked. "Hello Gene's Mom. I'm (Y/N) Dirus." I said. "Oh Gene, she's beautiful. I never knew you could make more friends out of that club of yours." Gene's mom said. "It's a gang mom and she's going to help me a bit with homework so she's coming with us Mom." Gene said. "Yeah, I'll call my parents about it." I said. "Okay Gene, (Y/N), come in." Gene's mom said. 


I was walking home after I helped Gene with his homework, surprisingly easy. I entered my home to see my brother. "Where were you? I was worried." He said. "Fern, I was at a friend's place. Nothing serious." I said reassuringly. "Alright. Let's have dinner?" He asked. "Of course." I sat down as he did the same. "Where's mom and dad?" I asked. "Business meeting with the Lycans.  Well, not all about business. They're talking about the truce between Ultima and Dire werewolves. I think they're going to keep the truce together by making you marry the Lycan son." He said. "What?! An arranged marriage?" I asked, shocked. "I'm not sure, but it still is a possibility." He said. "Ugh. Who is the Lycan son?" I asked. "I don't know." He said. "I'm finished. I'm going to bed." I said, going to my room. Who is the Lycan son? I guess I'll think about it tomorrow. I fell asleep, wondering who is the Lycan son.

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