~Chapter 10~ Aaron Vs. (Y/N)

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Your POV

I was talking with Katelyn, Teony, Aphmau, and KC. "You guys ready for this SportsFest?" I asked. "I was born ready!" Katelyn said. I looked over to Mr. Jerk over there. Tch. I don't like how people are with that Jerk. What do they see in him? I looked at Aph and she was talking with KC, looking ready. I got bumped and I looked at who did it. Of course, it had to be the Jerk. "Grr WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING JERK!" I yelled. "Tch, watch where you're standing, pup." He said. "I'll show him!" I growled. I kicked the volleyball and hit him on the head. Everyone gasped. He almost stumbled over. "Was that a mosquito bite?" He said. I could hear the difficulty in his voice. "It was me you jerk. Grr, I challenge you!"I yelled. "Alright, let's face off in the games. I don't wanna be ya at the end of this day." He said smugly. You'll eat those words later. "Hey (Y/N), are you okay?" Garroth asked. "Oh, I'm fine! I actually feel better now that I can go toe to toe with that Jerk!" I said. "You better stay away from that guy. I've heard rumors." Garroth said. "Too bad because he's in Werewolf class with me." I said. "Wait, you're a werewolf?" He asked. "No, I'm just interested." I said. I told Garroth about all the times Jerk has been a Jerk to me. "Our third event today taking place is Soccer! It's going to be Junior Class- A Vs. Senior Class- A!" I heard. That means... I looked at the Jerk over there. I smirked. Get ready to be beaten.


I took the ball from Jerk and kicked it to the goal. "It was a close match but Junior Class- A wins! The MVPs of this match were Aaron from Senior Class- A and (Y/N) of Junior Class- A!" I heard. "What's wrong? Can't keep up with the little pup?" I asked. "Grr,  the games aren't over yet!" Jerk said. "I didn't know Alpha was a sore loser." I said. "I haven't lost. Remember, it's a team sport. You were little enough to go pass through." Jerk said. "I'm not little, I just an inch shorter than you, you know?" I asked. "Hey (Y/N)! You were amazing!" Cadenza said. "Thanks Cadenza. Who's next?" I asked. "The Freshmen in volleyball!" Cadenza said. "Oh, this'll be good." I said.


I hit the ball and Aph and KC failed to hit it. "And the winner is Junior Class-A!" I heard. "You guys were great!" I said. "Yeah, but not as great as you (Y/N)." Aph said. "Heh." I laughed, scratching my neck. "The last game for today is Senior Class- A and Junior Class-A. Who's going to win? Go to the racing track to find out!" I heard. "This'll be very good.." I said. I was waiting beside Jerk for Cadenza. Jeffory and Cadenza came at the same time so we grabbed the stick and ran. I was in the lead. Jerk stopped so I stopped. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Running." He said. "You don't even try." I said. "Yes I do. Don't you wanna look cool in front of your friends?" He asked and it hit me hard. "Grrr. I don't have to look cool if they appreciate my effort." I said. "Okay then." Jerk ran immediately and I felt a boost of energy. I ran and reached the finish before he did.  "How did-" I cut him off. "You think I'd fall for that trick? Think again!" I laughed and ran away from him. Garroth walked up to me. "That was great (Y/N)! I didn't know you could run that fast." Garroth said. "What would you expect?" I asked. "I don't know." He said. 


I was walking past the boys' locker room until I heard crying. "Anyone here?" I asked. Someone then pushed me down and put me in a locker. "Good job Lily!" Ivy said. I peeked through and saw the girl who was with Aaron in the morning. "I can't believe someone like you became friends with the Jerk, Aaron. Oh wait, what would I expect? A Jerk friends with a Jerk." I growled. I heard them leave so I grabbed out my phone. "DEAD BATTERY?! DAMN IT!" I yelled. I waited for someone to get me out until someone opened the locker door. I fell onto that person and that person was Jerk. He was blushing a bright red while I was blushing a faint red.  "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY LOCKER?" He yelled. "WHAT WOULD YOU EXPECT? I WENT IN YOUR LOCKER TO SCARE YOU? NO, SOMEONE LOCKED ME IN THERE!" I yelled. "Well, thanks for getting me out of there." I said. "Y-You're welcome..." He said. I can't believe I saw him shirtless! 

Aaron's POV

"I can't believe she saw me shirtless." I said, covering my red face.

OH IRENE! 3 CHAPTERS IN A ROW! Or was it 2 chapters? I just got a boost of inspiration. I hope you enjoyed! See you!

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