~Chapter 14~ FC, U/N and-

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(N/N) - Nickname

Your POV

I was walking to school until I saw Aaron on the other side of the road. "Aaron!" I yelled, giving the peace sign. "(Y-Y/N)... U-Um... Hey (Y/N)!" He yelled, blushing. I ran over to him, not minding the blush. He was probably blushing because of yesterday. I blush faintly. "You wanna walk with me?" I asked. "Uh.. Sure.." He said. "So FC... do you ever wonder who is Shu?" I asked. "Of course.." He said, looking at me. "Why are you staring at me? Is something wrong?" I asked. "N-Nothing.." He looked away. We arrived at school, throwing riddles around. I was laughing at Aaron because he couldn't get the simplest riddles. "You feed me, I grow, you give me a drink, I die." I said. "I have no idea..." He said. "Fire." I said. "Well, okay..." He said. "You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I?" I asked. "Onion?" He said, more like asked. "Great! You finally got one right, jerk." I smiled. "You're still calling me that?" He asked. "Well, of course. You were the Jerk behind the door." I said. "Heh..." He looked down. "Hey.." I made him look at me. "Hmm?" He asked. "I can see it in your eyes, there's something wrong. What's wrong?" I asked. "Well... nothing's wrong. I'm just happy to be here with you U/N..." He removed my hand from his face. "I am happy too.." He smiled when I said that. "Hey Aaron, I- Huh? What are you doing with this freak?" Lily asked as she arrived. "Hey, she happens to be one of my best friends. If you're going to keep trash talking about her, I don't think we're supposed to be friends. Come on (Y/N)." He said, grabbing my arm and walked away. I blushed at the contact. Once we were far from Lily, we stopped moving, but FC didn't let go yet. "Uh... FC, let go..." I said. "O-Oh, sorry U/N.." He said. We started walking past people, who were whispering things. "You better stop entering dungeons like that. Shu can't always keep our HP up." I said. "Why? Can't handle the fights?" He asked. "Of course I can handle fights. It's just what if Shu's not there to help us?" I asked. "Hahaha!" He walked faster so I had to keep up.  We went to our lockers. "So you're going to talk to them?" He asked. "Why wouldn't I? I need to clear some things up." I said. "Hey (Y/N)!" Balto said as he came. "What is it now?" I asked. "I was wondering- huh? Grrr, Aaron, what are you doing here?" Balto asked, growling. "We're hanging out." Aaron said. "We who? Wait, you two? Haha! Hahahaha!" Balto laughed. "So (Y/N), gonna kick him away again?" Balto asked. "Do you want me to kick you away again?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. "With how tall you are, you won't hit him at all. You'll go too high!" Aaron said. "Hey, I'm not that tall! I'm like, taller than Balto but I'm still shorter than you! Also, I'm not bad at aiming!" I said. "Hahaha!" Aaron laughed. I rolled my eyes at Aaron's laughing. "Stop laughing, ya big jerk." i smiled. "I'm your Jerk." Aaron said. "Yeah.." I started laughing at Aaron's reaction when I poked his forehead. He started laughing. "Uhh, (Y/N), I wanna talk to you, alone. You know, get to know each other and stuff." Balto said, looking at Aaron. "I don't-" I was cut off by Balto grabbed my wrist but Aaron grabbed my other wrist and pulled me closer to him. I was blushing faintly. The heck FC! "I know what you're trying to do. Leave her alone." Aaron said, glaring at Balto. "The alpha male protecting his mate. Watch your backs." Balto left us alone after that. "Come on! I could've taken him!" I said. "Heh heh. No way I'll let you fight. Alright, let's go. If you can wait for me that is." Aaron walked away as I followed.


We were studying about werewolves. "Hey Aaron?" I asked. "Yeah?" He asked. "Do you know who is Shu yet?" I asked. "Shu? Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you. You know the potato?" He asked. "Ivy?" I acted like I didn't know Aph was the potato. "Ugh, no! Aphmau."  He said. "Of course I know Aphmau is- Wait what?! For real?" I asked. "Yeah. I-" He was cut off. "Don't worry (Y/N)! We'll protect you!" Katelyn said, grabbing me by the shoulders. "Guys! Don't!" Aphmau said. "Get away from her, you meanie!" Teony punched Aaron's shoulder. "Katelyn-Chan, Teony-Chan, they were so cute together!" KC said, running after the girls who were dragging me to the girls' comfort room. "(Y/N)! Are you alright? Did he-" I cut her off. "What do you think you guys are doing?! It was very clear that I was fine! Stop worrying about me when you know I can handle myself!" I angrily said. "Guys! He's not-" I cut Aphmau off. "Look Aphmau, you may be mine and FC's friend but you guys are overprotective!" I said, completely forgetting Aphmau didn't know. "Wait, what? FC? How do you know him?" Aphmau asked. "I forgot, you don't know that I'm U/N and Aaron's FC." I said. "No! I know he's FC! That's why I tried stopping them!" Aph explained. "...Shu..." I said. "U/N." Aph said. "Guys? What the heck is happening?" Katelyn asked. "Oh Katelyn, Aphmau is my online friend, Shu. And I'm her online friend, U/N." I explained. "Guys, we are friends with Aaron now. Turns out we have a lot in common." Aph said. "Are you crazy guys?! He's been in so many fights!" Katelyn said. "I've been in more fights than him! He was only defending himself! I'm no better than him!" I said. "Yeah!" Aph said. "He may be a jerk but he's my jerk." I smiled. "*gasp* Are you smiling?!" Katelyn asked. "No I'm not." I said. "(Y/N)'s right. He's a wolf on the outside and may seem rough but he's just a little tiny puppy in the inside." Aphmau blushed. I looked at Aphmau, eyes wide. She likes him? Is this jealousy? I shouldn't be like this! It's Aaron's choice! "Are you blushing?" Katelyn asked. "Nu-uh." Aph said. "*gasp* Are you crushing on him?" Katelyn asked. Teony nodded at Katelyn, agreeing that Aph like him. "No! It's not- ugh.. Leave us alone." Aph dragged me out of the girls' comfort room.


"Hey Aaron! Sorry about that. We tried telling them but they still pulled me away." I said. "Aph, (N/N), it's fine. I honestly don't blame them. A few days ago, we were at each others' throats." Aaron laughed. We laughed too. "Hey Aph, are you going to talk to them?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm just afraid they'll reject me.." Aph said. "Well, their loss." I smiled. "Let's find them." Aaron said. "Well if it isn't the three gamers." I looked behind me to see Gene and Balto. "Gene!" I growled. "Balto!" Gene said. "On it!" Balto walked up to Aaron and threw his hand to Aaron's stomach. I went in front of Aaron and took the hit. "(Y/N)!" My friends yelled. "Now let's see what they're going to do... Especially when we catch it on camera..." Gene said. "Come on! Fight me!" Balto said. "Tsk, you're only taunting." I said. "(N/N), go to Aph and help her. I got this handled." Aaron said. "Alright!" I swiftly go past Balto and grab Aph. "Aph. Don't worry, I'm here." I said as I pulled her beside me. "(Y-Y/N)!" Aph stuttered. "If you don't get past Balto, I'll... kiss (Y/N)." Gene said. "Go Gene! Get him where it hurts!" Balto laughed. "How about I get you where it hurts!" I yelled, kicking him where it hurts. Obviously Aaron didn't see.  "Alright you asked for this!" Aaron said. "Aaron, don't!" I yelled, looking back at him. "Stop this right now!" I looked back to see Garroth and Laurance with a phone out. "Stop this or else." Laurance threatened. "Or else what?" Gene asked. "We'll tell the principal!" Garroth said. "And we have proof!" Laurance said, holding up the phone. "Ugh! We'll get you next time Aaron!" Gene yelled as tried to run away with Balto. Key word, tried. I grabbed them by the collar and whispered into their ear. "Mess with one of us, Mess with all of us. If not all of us, me." This caused them to run but not before KC came out of nowhere and threw a cat potion on them. "Why didn't you tell us that you were with Aaron?" Garroth asked. "What? No. We're  just really good friends. If you want, you can go after Aph. I'm sure she would want to be with one of you guys." I smirked. "(Y/N)!!" We all laughed as Aphmau yelled at me.

 I am not at home right now but that doesn't mean I can't write a chapter.Sorry for the wait guys! I hope you enjoyed! I can't wait to finish this book. I'll be able to write Mystreet then all that drama! Irene! I also wanna thank you guys for helping this rewrite get 1K views. Just 1K and a half less than the old book. I have a feeling that this rewrite is worse than the original. I'm sorry. Well anyway, I will see you in the next chapter! See you later!

(EDIT: Actually had to change the height again. Why do I even bother?!)

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