~Chapter 7~ Who Are They? Who Is He?

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Your POV

I was leaning on the wall near Aph. I was waiting for her to finish drinking from the water fountain. I saw Gene walk up to us so I just put on earphones to not hear Gene. They were leaving so I had to come. We're skipping school, huh? It's been long since I skipped. "Are you going to get us in more trouble than skipping?" Aph asked. "No, you guys are just going to get to know us better. Now let's go." Gene said. "SASHA! ZENIX!" Gene yelled. "Could you be any louder Gene? Mother of Irene, I was about to take a nap." Zenix said. "Shut up Zenix." I said. "You took long Gene." Sasha said. "I was going to bring our pets here." Gene said. "You got them to skip?" Sasha asked. "No, I went here by myself. I wasn't convinced by Gene to go at all. Though, he convinced Aph with help of the picture." I said. "Yeah. I'm actually starting to like you now." Gene said. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You do you, I do me, we never do each other. Good day." I said, climbing up a tree. Gene left to get supplies, Sasha does her palm reading thing, Zenix was mean to Aph, so I threw him into the river. "Grr, will you stop being like that?" I growled. Zenix stayed far away from me after that. I started thinking about random things. What if I never came here? What if people find out about my secret? I kept thinking until one particular questing came into mind. Who is FC? I've never really thought about that. I just met him across an online game. Same with Shu. Who are they? Gene arrived with vandalizing tools and told Aph and I to mark the Shadow Knight insignia on the bridge. I did something to the spray cans so that it would vanish after I say vanish. We were done and I went home. I was eating dinner until I realized I haven't made the insignia vanish. "Vanish.." I mumbled. I felt the paint vanish and I finished my food. I went to sleep after that. But I had a peculiar dream.
I was tearing up for some reason. I heard beautiful guitar music. "Whoever's playing, it's..... nice." I said. "Thanks. Uhh, why are you here?" A muffled voice of a boy asked. "I should be asking you the same thing." I said. "I'm only here to practice. Now tell me, why are crying?" He asked, discarding the last question he had. "How can I trust you?" I asked. "You can trust me. I promise." He said. "Well, you know Gene? He's been blackmailing my friend and me. He has a video of me. Doing something good and bad. I don't want anyone to know about the good secret, because it could ruin my reputation as that bad girl in school. I don't want to be like this. I never wanted to. But right now, I'm showing I'm weak by crying near a guy I don't know. For all I know, you could blackmail me too." I said. "I promised you, you can trust me." He said. "The bad part, if my friends find out my bad secret, I'm not sure if they'll accept me. I've only been here since last year so this is new to me. I never had friends before. I only met them last summer and only hung out with them once or twice. If they leave me, what do I do?" I asked. "Then make new ones. If they don't appreciate you for who you are, they don't deserve you as a friend. Don't be afraid of who you are or what have you done. Look on the bright side." He said. "Thank you. I have one more question." I said. "What?" He asked. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm-

Cliffhanger folks. I know that you know who it is but will he reveal his name to Reader? Find out in the next chapter! See you guys later!

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