~Chapter 15~ A Dinner With The Lycans?

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"I admit it! I can't keep up with Werewolf Class!" Aph whined. "That's what you get for playing more than studying." (Y/N) smirked. "Heh, I could've told you that." Aaron said. "Guys! Ugh..." Aph groaned. "That is why we're here." (Y/N) said. Aph sighed. "You're right.." Aph said. "Oh! I need to go to the comfort room for a sec. I'll be back!" Aph jumped up and ran out. "...hey (Y/N)...?" Aaron asked. "Hmm?" I looked at Aaron. "Umm, I wanted to ask... Can I kiss you?" The girl's eyes widened.  "...FC..." She looked down. He grabbed her chin and made her face him. "Please?" He asked as he leaned closer. "Just this once?" She asked. He nodded. They leaned closer and-

~Dream End, Your POV~

I bolted up and coughed. "What the heck was that?" I asked myself. I face palmed and changed my clothes. I remembered my family was going to have a dinner with another family. Must be another dinner meeting... I wore a pair of black pants, a white shirt, and a (C) jacket with Dirus on the back. Mother said to wear either formal or semi formal. I didn't want to wear a dress so I wore this. I heard a doorbell downstairs. I went downstairs and saw my father about to open the door. When opened I saw a familiar face. "Aaron?" I asked. "(Y/N)?" Aaron asked. "Good evening, I am Derek Lycan. This is my wife, Rachel Lycan and my daughter, Melissa Lycan. No need to introduce Aaron over here seeing you know him." The man I now know as Aaron's father, Derek said. "Good evening Mr. Lycan, Mrs. Lycan, Melissa and Aaron. I am (Y/N) Dirus. It's a pleasure to meet you. My brother Fernando is upstairs, finishing his work. He'll be down any minute now." I said. "My! It's wonderful to see you again Rachel!" My mother said. "(M/N)." Rachel smiled. "Well, what are we waiting for? Come in. Dinner's ready." My father said. "Well, well, well! Do I smell father's special roast chicken?" I looked at Fernando who was rushing downstairs. "Fernando!" Melissa said. "Melissa!" Fern said. They hugged and started talking as they walked to the dinner table. I looked at Aaron who just shrugged.

At The Dinner Table

I don't know why but they put Aaron and I beside each other. I looked at Aaron for his opinion on this, he was blushing. I looked at his attire and he looked handsome in my opinion. Our parents were talking, Melissa and Fernando were talking, Aaron and I? We were completely silent. "Hey (Y/N)? I wanted to say, you look beautiful." Aaron complimented, breaking the silence between us.. "Why thank you Aaron. You look handsome." I smiled. "So Derek, about the arranged marriage, this will seal the truce between the Ultima and the Dire, am I right?" Father asked. "What arranged marriage?" Aaron and I said in sync. "You two will be married when you grow older." Mother said. "What?" I asked. "This will prevent a war from happening between both of our families." Rachel said. "I beg my pardon. Don't Aaron and I have get to have an opinion on this?" I asked. "Both Aaron's parents and us agreed. There's nothing stopping it." Father said. "Father, I-" My father gave me a look. "Sir, I believe you must let your daughter speak." Aaron stood up. "Aaron?" I asked. "You dare disrespect me?" Father stood up as well. "I am not disrespecting you sir. I am just saying what should be." Aaron said. "Excuse us for one moment." I said. "Oh, okay..." I grabbed Aaron's wrist and dragged him to my room. I let go of his hand and closed the door. "Aaron, you shouldn't stand up to my father like that. He could kill you." I said. "He won't. It'll break the truce and it would cause a war. I'm sure he wouldn't want that." Aaron said. 



"What's your opinion on this arranged marriage?"

"I.. I would accept anything if it was you..."

I blushed.


He put his hand on my cheek and gave me a peck on my lips.

"If anything happens, I promise to protect you. I don't care about what they say, if it's you, I would do anything."

"Are you saying you like me?"

"No, I'm saying I love you."

"I love you too."

"Did you know that I'm staying overnight?"

"You are?" 

"It has something to do with the marriage."


We went back downstairs to see Aaron's family by the door. "Aaron, we will be going now. I'm trusting you so behave. Good night." Derek said, going out with Rachel and Melissa. I went back to the room with Aaron again, this time, Aaron has his backpack. "I'll change first." Aaron went in the bathroom and changed. After a few minutes, Aaron went out with red pajamas and no shirt. I blushed, seeing his muscular body. "I'm going to change." I went in the bathroom and changed into my pajamas. I went out to see Aaron on his phone. "Hey Aaron? Where are you going to sleep?" I asked. "I received a text from my father. He told me to sleep either on a mattress or on the same bed as you." Aaron said. "Well, I can trust you enough to sleep beside me." I said. I lay down on the bed as Aaron laid down beside me. After going through my phone a bit, I wished Aaron a good night and fell asleep.

Whoa... This got weird... Aaron staying over at your house? Well, good luck. Imma sleep now because... Because... Hope you enjoyed. *YAWN* Night. See you later...

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