~Chapter 11~ A Wolf Emerges

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Your POV

I was enjoying the Spirit Week Bake sale until a Jerk bumped into me again. "WATCH IT!" I growled. I smelled like charcoal and fresh cut grass. Is he trying to mark me as Alpha Female? "Hey (Y/N)~San!" KC walked up to me. "Hey KC. What do you need?" I asked. "Well, Kawaii~Chan needs some help." KC said. "Really? How can I help you?" I asked. KC explains what's wrong. "So you're going to turn me into mei'fwa and I'll help you with the bake sale?" I repeated what she said. "Yes." KC said. "I'm happy to help you KC." I said. "Aww, thank you so much (Y/N)~San!" KC said. "You're welcome. Now, when do we start?" I asked. "Meet Kawaii~Chan in the girls' locker room in ten minutes." KC said, leaving me. "Suddenly, I think I shouldn't..." I mumbled to myself. Well, it's too late. I better wait for her in the girls' locker room.


I was waiting for more than ten minutes until I got a text. What is he doing texting in school? 

|Text Convo|

FC: Hey, how's your day going?

You: It's fine, I guess. I'm waiting for a friend right now. You?

FC: I'd rather be in the dungeons with you and Shu.

You: I thought so too! Things could be better here.

FC: That reminds me, you haven't been talking to Shu and I lately. I wanted to ask what's wrong.

You: Everything's fine. Friendship problems and stuff.

FC: Oh... I see...

FC: Does that mean I'm going to lose only battling partner soon?

You: What? No! Why'd you think that?

FC: I figure that once you have a lot of friendships, there would be more problems. With more problems, you'd have no time to play with us.

You: My parents would never allow me to have friends. I only have friends who are close to my family and who are online friends. If anything, they'd keep me inside the house more, meaning I'd play more.

FC: Heh, comforting to know I won't lose one of my good friends.

FC: Hey U/N...

FC: Have you ever wondered what I look like?

You: I have... Same with Shu... Why?

FC: Well, I have been too.

FC: We've known each other for a LONG time. Honestly, every time I talk to you, the thought crosses my mind once or twice. I've always known about how you want to keep your online anonymity.

FC: I mean, we talk about almost everything. You're pretty vague.

FC: Uh, actually, can we continue this conversation later? Gotta hide my phone.

You: Yeah, go now before they take your phone!

FC: Haha, see you later!

|Text Convo End|

Honestly FC, I wonder who you are.... "(Y/N)~San! HOLD STILL!" KC yelled. "AGH!" I yelled. "HA! You're a Mei'fw-AH? You're a werewolf?!" KC yelled. "I'm a what?!" I looked at myself. I felt the tail and the ears. "Oh no KC... My dad is going to kill me..." I said. "Now, put this maid outfit on!" KC said. "On second thought, no thank you!" I yelled. "But Kawaii~Chan might disappoint everyone and-" I cut her off. "Okay! Fine! I'll wear it!" I yelled. 


I was walking behind Kawaii~Chan, still angry that I have to wear the outfit as a werewolf. I helped with the design and the food. I looked around to see Jerk blushing at me. I feel a faint blush on my cheeks so I shook my head and continued to help KC. "(Y/N)~San! We sold so much! We totally beat that witchcraft club!" KC said. "Wait, what?! This is a competition?!" I yelled. "It was! Kawaii~Chan, (Y/N) isn't a werewolf. This is against the rules!" Lucinda said. Oh, you don't know anything about me. "Sasha isn't a witch! This makes us even!" KC said. They start arguing. Irene... "Hey there cutie." I heard Balto say. I quickly kicked him on the head. "Wow Balto! First you bully me and now you want me!" I yelled. "Wait, you smell like... Fresh grass and burnt wood? You're his? Nevermind, talk to you later! Gotta go!" Balto said, leaving me. So that Jerk marked me as the Alpha Female? Why is that? "Since you enjoy turning people into things they're not, why not I turn you into a cat!" Lucinda said. "Oh no you don't young lady! Give me that cat potion this instant!" Ms. Hyria came. "Auntie Hyria~Senpai!" KC said. "Run!" Lucinda yelled. They ran away, screaming. I'm still worried about this...

I am really worried about this... I hope nothing bad happens to you!  This is it! I'm on a roll! See you later!!

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