~Chapter 18~ The Heartbreaking Truth

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Your POV

I wake up in a dark room. "Grrr! Whoever did this, show yourselves immediately!" I yelled. I heard a chuckle behind me. 

"You missy, are coming with me to prom." That voice. 

"Gene?" Confusion could be read on my face. 

"That's right! Muahaha! You don't know how much I've been waiting for this to happen! The plan is to prevent the delinquent from asking you out. If this goes right, he would ask kitty out while I would bring you to prom. He'll have his heart broken once he sees you. Your heart would be broken too. He'll leave kitty and break her heart too. It'll tear you guys apart! Hahaha!" Gene laughed at his evil plan. 

"Why would you do this?! We did nothing to you!" I was confused.

 "Yes you did! You made a fool out of me! Now, I'm going to make a fool out of you too!" He threw a potion at me. 

"W-What were we talking about?" I lied. Potions don't normally work on me for some reason. All I knew is that Gene had a plan to tear my friends and I apart, and I did not like it. I had to escape. But no one can know, especially Aaron. Aaron would try to hurt Gene but he could get expelled.

"Well, I was asking you out to prom," Gene started. "and you said you'd love to go with me!"

 "I'd never agree to you. You hurt my friends, I'm not letting you hurt them anymore." Gene almost growled at my words, mumbling something about the potion not working

"Well, you weren't yelling at me a while ago, darling." He went in front of me and tried to pull me in a kiss. My hands were tied so couldn't push him away but I could still kick him. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine to prevent him from chasing me. "I gotta get back home! Who knows how long I was in there!" I told myself as I ran. I went into my wolf form and ran as fast as I can. I jumped to the open window of my room and landed on the bed. I transformed back into a human. I walked over to the door whilst dusting my clothes. When I opened it, I bumped into someone and fell on them. I looked up a bit to see Aaron. I started blushing faintly because he had no shirt again. "Aaron!" I tried making my voice normal but it came out as a weak one. Side effects! 

"(Y/N)! What happened to you? Are you okay? Did you know how worried your family and I were?" His voice clear with worry. He kept bombarding me with questions.

"Aaron, I'm fine... I-" He pulled me in a hug. "Don't ever scare me like that ever again. You know how much you mean to me." He hugged me tighter. "Aaron, can we get up now?." He nodded so I got up and fixed myself. "Well, we better get ready for school. I was just about to take a bath. Wanna join?" He wiggled his eyebrows, making me laugh. I rolled my eyes at him while punching him in the gut. "Bad Aaron." I walked towards my bed and laid down. "Fine. I'm going to go now." He went inside the bathroom as I brought out my phone. I scroll through the web as Aaron takes a bath in the bathroom. After a few minutes, Aaron came out only wearing a towel around his waist. I walked past him with a towel hung on my shoulder and my bag with clothes. "Make sure that after I'm done, you'd be outside." I took a quick bath and wore my school clothes. I walked outside to see Aaron gone. I smirked. "Aaron, you can go to school without me! Something came up!" I grabbed my bag and opened the window. "W-What? Do you need any help?" Aaron knocked on the door I just locked. "No, you can go on without me! I'll meet you there!" I put on my shoes. "Alright! I hope you finish faster!" I heard Aaron's footsteps go away from my room. I smirked again and jumped onto the tree beside my bedroom window. I watched Aaron look back at my parents before leaving. I jumped down to my front door and smiled at my parents. "Home!" I watched as their eyes widened. They hugged me. "Where were you?" "We were very worried!" The rants kept coming. "Guys, I'm fine. Did I miss anything while I was gone?" My parents looked at each other. "Promise us you wouldn't get mad, okay?" I raised an eyebrow. "We're moving. Tomorrow." My eyes widened. But, isn't prom tomorrow? "But.. I need to cool off. Talk to you later." I ran after Aaron and walked quietly behind him. When we arrived, Aaron looked back to be hugged by me. I did my best to get it out of my mind.

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