PAX West P.3

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After half an hour of walking and light conversation, we find ourselves in front of the Nintendo section. We find the preview for a new Super Smash Bros. He nudges me.

"Wanna battle?" I smile.

"You're on." We rush over. I grab the gamepad, and he takes a controller. We get to the character choice. "Okay don't judge me."

"For what?"

"My main..." I say. I pick... Villager.

"Really?" He laughs at me teasingly. I punch him playfully in the shoulder.

"I said don't judge!" He snickers, but stops his teasing and picks his character. We start the battle, and it's really tough. He's good, but Villager has been my main since I was twelve. We battle until we're each down to one life. I nearly knock him off the edge, but he bounces up and spikes me. My character, having been at almost 150% damage-intake, goes flying up and out of the screen. The commentator's voice says game! and I make an angry noise.

"Haha! I win!" Ethan says, throwing his fist into the air.

"Well, I'm not the one who does gaming for a living-- You were expected to win anyway," I huff angrily, but I smile at his pleasure at his mini victory. 

We place down the controllers and walk on. We enter a tent filled with different multiplayer games. I look around. There's Nintendo Land, Super Mario Bros, and other Nintendo multiplayer classics. "Want to find Mario Kart? I bet it's in here somewhere." I ask. Mario Kart is my favorite game, after Super Smash Bros, even if I am over-competitive.

"Sure." We walk through and sure enough, we spot the sign blaring above a large flat-screen tv. We wait for the group to be finished. I watch the screen as the person playing as Yoshi finishes first, immediately followed by Princess Peach.

"Hey, no fair! I was totally ahead of you!" A girl with strawberry-blonde hair whines. I straighten up. I recognize that new-york accent.

"No, I won. See the little number one? That means I came in first." The tall boy with shaggy, dirty-blonde hair teases, earning a punch in the shoulder from the redhead. That deeper one sounds familiar, too.

"Drew? Kelly? What the hell, guys?" Sure enough, all four turn around, equally shocked to see me as I am to them. A sickly-sweet smile somehow finds a way to Kelly's face.

"Hey, Alex! I didn't know you were still here!" She says, batting her eyes.

"You guys ditched me. I wasn't even gone for a minute and you left." I say, the hurt evident in my voice.

"We got bored," Ann says, examining her fingernails. I gape.

"You got bored? You got bored so you leave your friend behind without letting her know where you're going?!" I reply in disbelief. Rose, Ann, and Kelly stare at me with blank faces.

"Sorry," Rose says blatantly. I feel something snap inside of me-- they've taken this too far!

"That's all you're gonna say? Sorry?" They stare at me. I sigh . "I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I ever agreed to even hang out with you guys," I cross my arms, "You have no personality and don't even enjoy hanging out with me-- the only reason you went with me is that Drew made you. I wish he didn't." I say flatly. Kelly's eyes narrow.

"Fine! Leave! You're right, we don't want to hang out with you-- I hope you find some sad nerd to keep you company," She suddenly spots Ethan and a smirk finds her way onto her face. "Oh, look! You already found one!" Anger boils inside me. She has no right to treat a stranger like that, what's wrong with her?!

"Kelly, leave Ethan out of this, he has nothing to do with this," I say angrily. I don't think I've ever hated someone more. She suddenly lets out a burst of laughter. I look at her with alarm.

"Ooh, is this the person you always talk about? The one you always blab on and on about, like he was the savior of the Earth? That you always wished to meet him, because of how much he means to you?" I blush.

"Yes, and he's helped me a lot more than you guys ever could, and I've only just met him in person today," I say cooly, trying to keep my embarrassment at bay. She rolls her eyes and I scoff. "Goodbye, Kelly,"

"Finally! Thank god you're leaving, I never wanted you here in the first place. Go off with your boyfriend, Alexandra," I open my mouth to retort back, but someone takes my hand. I turn to find Ethan standing next to me, pulling on my hand, glaring at my former friends.

"Let's go." He says quietly, looking at me, his anger evident in his eyes. I nod and look to Drew, the one person I thought actually cared. He was silent throughout the whole argument. He looks sad. I glare at him, feeling no pity for the man before me.

"I hope you're happy with what you've done," I say sourly, ignoring Ethan's hand as he tries to pull me away. Drew gives me a pleading look.

"Lex, please-"

"Have fun with your girlfriend, Andrew," I snap as Ethan pulls me away


OMG CONFLICT!! Anyway, sorry if you are a girl named Kelly, Ann, or Rose, I swear I'm not targeting you. Those are just the names I picked. So I think I'm going to keep it so it's one - to - two updates a day ?? IDK, let me know what you think I should do because I have only certain blocks of free time with school and whatnot. So, yea!!

Song: Count On Me, Bruno Mars

~ Salem

PS: BTW There will be a few parts called PAX West because that's where Ethan and Alex meet and stuff. So, yea! I'm done !! ^w^ 

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