The Livestrem P.2

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Mark, Ethan, Tyler, and Amy come into my room. We stare at each other, blinking stupidly. Suddenly, we're all laughing. "Oh my God, that was so anti-climatic!" Ethan says through laughing.

    "The worst part is I forgot this is the room I am in!" I admit through my laughter. Mark looks to the camera and points at me.

    "Don't worry guys, not a robber. It's just Alex." I wave. "She came in with Ethan, she isn't trespassing or anything," They say goodbye and leave. I sigh. That's over with. I go to the chat section. It's in bedlam. "Who's she?!" "Someone go check the Markiplier Wiki!" "I've never heard of her before, is she new?"

    "Okay back to the live stream." After another five minutes of them talking and laughing, Mark goes back to checking donations.

    "Okay, this is ridiculous! Every comment is about Alex! Ethan can you go get her so we can clear this up?" I sit up and act like I was working on the t-shirt. He knocks.

    "Come in!" I call. He walks in, looking like he's about to crack up.

    "Mark's upset because all comments on donations are asking about you. Come on, he's just gonna tell them who you are and why you're here." I get up and follow. There are a few ring lights and one camera set up in front of the TV. Mark and Tyler are sitting on the couch with Amy, and there are two bean bags on the floor. Mark turns at the sound of us walking in.

    "Make way, the celebrity has arrived! Come sit your majesty!" He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes, smiling.

    " Sorry, Mark, it's not my fault people are born with curiosity!" I say, plopping myself on one of the beanbags. Ethan takes the second one.

    "Okay, introduce yourself," Mark says as if talking to a five-year-old. I swallow nervously.

    "Uh, hi. I'm Alex." I say to the camera. I feel a bit weird talking to an inanimate object.

    "Why don't you explain why and how you are here."

    "Well, the reason why I'm here is because I'm designing new t-shirts for you guys. And how I guess... Well, basically, I met Ethan at PAX West on Sunday."

    "Do you want to tell the story?"

    "W-well, there really isn't much. I went to get something signed by Ethan and no one was there, so I asked the security guard to let Ethan know. After getting my picture signed, Ethan offered to walk around with me, and... and he liked my art so he asked me to do some t-shirts designs!" I say, cutting it short.

    "Well, I think that's all. Why don't you stay in case there are any more questions? Go get your computer and sketchpad so you can work on the shirts." I stand up and walk into my room. I check the live stream. Chat's exploding again. I grab the computer (closing out of the tab), my sketch pad, and some pencils. I walk back in and plop on my bean bag.

I continue to draw while they're talking about getting Mario Kart started. I smile. I feel so content.

After three minutes, Mark heads off-camera to get the game setup, and Amy goes to get some ice cream from the store (after Ethan got chastised for not getting any while we were out). "Tyler! I need your help!" Tyler walks over to Mark.

After a few seconds, I hear a weird shuffling. I look up and laugh. Ethan's scooting on the bean bag closer to me, concentration etched on his face. His tongue is poking out the corner of his mouth. So adorable!!

After a few seconds, he's right next to me. We both laugh.

    "Can I see?" I hand it over. He smiles. "It's so cute!"

    "Thanks, I try," I say, smiling. I take it back and try to clean up the lines. He watches my draw. I finish and add a new layer

    "Hey, Alex?"


    "Can I color it?" I smile.

"Go for it," I say, handing him the computer. He starts coloring stuff in but, of course, I have my suggestions.

"Make your hair darker, like when you get it re-dyed!"

    "Good idea."

    "The shirt's supposed to be blue, not green."


    "The letters are white, not bla-"

    "Alex, I can't read your mind!" I blush.

    "Sorry, I have the little visions, and-" I start hastily.

    "It's fine, don't worry." He says, giving me a one-armed hug. I smile. He finishes coloring and sends it to himself. "Sorry that I did it all, I love editing."

    "Don't bother, it looks great," I reply. He smiles, and gives me a big hug. "What was that for?" I whisper, blushing a small bit.

    "Because you're so adorable!!"


Okay, I personally like this chapter the best so far. THE ENDING OML FEELS FOR ME and I'm the author o boy I need to chill

NO SONG still in study hall ;~; though I have ten minutes left then snack!! And then I get to miss half of school for a doctors appointment


~ Salem

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