Late Night Conversations 2

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I start the Crazy Bois sketch. It's from the livestream yesterday. Them all playing Mario Kart on the couch, laughing. I frown. I don't know what I'm going to do for the next week once I finish. I have no reason to be here anymore. I sigh. I'll figure that out later...

I decide to take a break. Saving the draft and exiting out of my drawing app, I head online to Tumblr, my favorite site for all my fandom needs. I scroll, and stop. It's me. It's a picture of Ethan and I editing on my computer. I check the description. "Markiplier Charity Livestream: Crank GamePlays and Doodley editing t-shirt designs. They're so cute! My new OTP all the way >w< !" The tag is #Crankley Love. It's trending number twelve on Tumblr. I look up the ship. I see so many fanarts. My head spins. I exit and close my computer, and sit back against the headboard. I hope Ethan doesn't see this stuff...

I check the clock. Two in the morning. I've been up all night thinking of an idea for the last t-shirt. I get up and stretch. I want some chips. Grabbing my phone, I walk into the kitchen. I go to the cabinet and grab a bag of Ruffles. Grabbing the scissors, I cut the bag open to avoid noise. I begin to eat as I go on my phone. After a minute or two, I hear the noise of shifting on leather cushions. I look up. Ethan's on the couch, looking at me. I smile nervously. "Uh. Hi."

"Let me guess: drawing?"

"Yeah. Let me guess: Editing?"

"Yeah." A silence falls between us. I clear my throat nervously.

"The stream went well, don't you think? You guys went well over your goal, and for a great cause."

"Yeah." I roll my eyes. Of course. It makes me trying to stop an awkward silence so much easier when you give me a one-word answer. I sigh and go back to eating and using my phone. After a minute, I hear him get up and come into the kitchen. I don't look up, but keep reading my fanfiction. After a few minutes, I hear the Keurig go off. Coffee. I hear him come stand next to me. He takes a loud sip of coffee. "What're you reading?"

"Fanfiction," I reply, almost flatly- I'm too focused on reading

"Please tell me it's not on Mark, Tyler, Amy, or I." I laugh.

"Yeah, no. Not my type of reading. I feel invading reading stuff like that. Some people's fanfictions make Fifty Shades of Grey look like a children's' books!" We laugh.

"Than who's it on?"

"Drarry. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter? It's my Harry Potter OTP."

"Ah." I go back to reading. He clears his throat.

"Have you been on Tumblr recently?" I shake my head, pretending to still be reading, listening hard.

"Okay. Um, do you have a Tumblr?"


"What's your Tumblr name?"

"Doodley. I do drawing tutorials and post my fanart." I say all nonchalant, but I know what he's getting at." He nods and takes another sip of coffee.

"Well, apparently... apparently people are shipping us? It's a tag called 'Crankley Love'. It's trending. There are no nasty fanarts, but there are some cute ones, plus pics from the Live Stream." He says awkwardly. I stare blankly at my screen.

"Oh. That's... cool. Er..." I don't know what to say.

"Well, I remember my first time having a popular ship on me. it was with Mark. Or was it Tyler? I can't remember which came first. But it always felt awkward because, on camera, I felt like I had to be cautious. But now I'm used to it." He says truthfully. I nod. He clears his throat again. "Do you mind if I ask you a sort-of personal question?"


"Well... how do you feel about it." I consider. I put my phone and food down and look up at him. He's looking at me nervously as if I might yell at him.

"Well... I'm fine with it. I always wondered how Mark and Jack felt about Septiplier, considering on how personal it gets in fanart and fan fiction. And I know it's getting out of control. But I guess... I guess if people aren't, y'know. Physically and verbally forcing it upon us... and it doesn't get as bad as Septiplier... then I'm cool with it." I say carefully, looking back up to him with a cautious smile. He smiles back. After a few seconds of blushing, he gives me a hug. Pulling away, he pecks my cheek lightly and walks away.

"G'night, Alex!" I blush.

"'Night," I say quietly. After a minute, I throw out the empty bag of chips and go into my room. As I lay down, I touch my cheek where he kissed me. It's still burning. I smile. I wonder how people would react if Crankly in Love became Canon...


Okay, so sorry I didn't update yesterday, I had a really stressful and emotional day.

Oh, and a quick note, sorry if I anger people, but I have to say:

Septiplier is out of hand. Please don't tag Mark and Jack in smut, please stop shouting at them and their girlfriends to break up, and please please think before trying to shove it upon them. I hate seeing the people who help me the most get hurt by there fans

Song: Heavy, Linkin Park feat. Kiiara

~ Salem

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