Short Trip to Home

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I open the door to my apartment. Right inside I find a package. "Just what I was hoping for!" I say, picking it up and walk inside.

"What is it?" Ethan asks, following me in and closing the door behind him. He looks around. "Your place is so small and cute!"

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment. I've been living here since I was seventeen, so it's home." I say fondly. I hear a meow, and Phoenix comes running into the room. "Hey Phe!" I chirp, and pick her up, putting the box on the ground. She purrs, rubbing her face into my cheek. I peer into the kitchen- her food bowl isn't empty. Good, Mrs. Kramer care and fed her like I asked.

"This is Phoenix?"

"Yeah. Isn't she such a cutie?" I say, turning so he can have a look. He nods. "Anyway, can you open the box? I'm gonna get some clothes." He nods again, picking it up off the floor. I head into my room.

I get three t-shirts and four sweaters. I grab some leggings, a pair of sweatpants, and two pairs of jeans. I also grab a portable pencil sharpener, earphones, sunglasses (just in case), and my Deathly Hallows baseball cap (why not). I stuff them all in the backpack and change into a different t-shirt and jeans from the stuff in my bag. I head out, throwing my hair up along the way. I find Ethan reading the box.

"An electric feeder?" I nod. I found it on Amazon. You put the collar on your cat, and the feeder will know it's them. It'll let them eat when they're supposed to, and close off when they shouldn't. It can also tell you if your cat is underfed, like if it isn't coming to eat.

"Yeah. Isn't it cool?" I open the box and set it up in ten minutes (with Ethan's help, of course). "Phe! Come here, baby!" I call. She comes running in. I pick her up, and put the collar on. I put her down, and she scratches at it. "Don't take it off." I say, suddenly serious, and she stalks away, the little bell tinkling along with her. Ethan laughs.

"Now you fill it with food?"

"Yeah." I take out the bag from under the sink and fill it in the container overhead. I put in the settings, and turn it on. "We can go now. Bye bye, Phe!" She meows, and goes to her food with a soft jingle, and I hear the soft phvvvvft of the feeder doors opening. I turn around for one last look at my flat. See ya in two weeks!


Hey, so I'm sorry to do a short chapter, but I had a Softball game, and I came home from an all-academic day, meaning 5 subjects of homework ;~; . So I also have to update the other fanfic I'm writing. If I have time I'll update again.


Song: Heavy, Linkin Park ft.Kiiara

~ A very exhausted Salem

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