Chapter 8

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Kirstie POV

You have no idea how much pain have been in because of the twins. I just thought I was having normal Braxton Hicks Contractions, but they progressively started to get worse. I didn't know what to do, so Avi brought me to the hospital. Once we got there, they took me into a room. For about an hour, they asked me what was wrong. I told them about the contractions. Then took me to another room. I was waiting for the doctor, but of course while I'm waiting I start having another contraction. After that contraction, the OBGYN walked in. "Hey! So you're have some preterm Contractions. Let's see on your sheets here. How many weeks are you?" "I'm twenty weeks pregnant with twins." "Were you pregnant before this one?" "Yes. It was a miscarriage." "And how long ago was that?" "That happened about a year and a half ago." The doctor said, "Have you been under significant stress lately?" I think for a minute. Then it hits dad. "My dad just showed up out of the blue. We got into a huge fight. We were nice little chat. My fiancé was in the room and then this happened." And then another contraction happened. It lasted about a minute and a half. "Anything else?" "Well the two of us took a road trip for Christmas celebratory things but nothing else. These guys have been really active though." The doctor as I'm saying that is doing a cervical check. "So your cervix is a TINY bit dilated. You said you're having twins?" "Correct." "That's normal. Do you wanna look at them?" I think about that for a minute. "Yes absolutely." "Do you want me to get your fiancé?" "No I'll enjoy this one myself." Once the doctor has a decent view, she starts to point things out to me."So your baby girl is on your left side and the boy on the right. Can you tell that they are a little cramped?" "Yeah. Can you tell if they are identical twins or fraternal?" "Yeah so there are fraternal twins." I was so excited. I wish Avi was here though. As I was thinking about that, "Ms. Maldonado, is there anything else I can do for you?" I get taken out my thoughts, "No, thank you." "We just wanna keep you in here for a few hours for observation just to make sure you are all good to go home. I'll put in for visitors now, but one or two at a time. Is that ok?" "Oh yes, absolutely. Can you just make sure they send my fiancé in first?" "Absolutely I can take your request." The doctor goes out to my room and to the waiting area.

Angelica POV!!!! (Surprise)

I see a doctor walk to the waiting area. "Family of Kirstin Maldonado?" "Yes?" I walked over to her so fast. "Hi. I'm Dr. Grey-Shepherd (Hope y'all got the reference). Kirstie is fine, just some preterm contractions. Nothing to worry about. Sometimes those contractions can be stronger than others. In Kirstin's case, that's what happened. We've settled the contractions so they should be fine now. We just wanna keep her for a few hours to make sure they've settled. ." "Thank you doctor. When can we see her?" "Yes, however I've put in an order for one -two visitors at a time. She just has a request that her fiancé be the first she sees. She's in room 504." Alright, Avi isn't here. "Alright, let me call him because he got something to eat." She smiles and walks into a separate area. I call Avi, "Hey Angelica! What's up?" I quickly respond. "I have news about Kirstie. She's fine, just preterm contractions. They're now settled. Kirstie did say she wants to see you first before anyone else though." "Ok we're on our way back. Thank you so much Angelica!!" I give Brian a big hug. "I don't know what I would do if you weren't here." "I'll always be there for you. I hope you know that. Even with this child." He puts his hand on my nonexistent bump. "He or she will be loved by their parents and know their parents love each other." He kisses me, and I do the same. We start having a full blown make out session. Avi walks in, "Hey Angelica! Brian." I give Avi a hug. He says, "Thank god she's ok. What room is she in?" "504. She's waiting for you." He goes down to the room.


I go down to Kirstie's room. I talked to the doctor and they told me that she is doing well. The doctor filled me in on what happened and the cause was because of how much stress she been under lately. It's probably of her dad and the record deal. I go into Kirstie's room and sit by her side. I hold her hand. She's awake and alert. "Hey babe!!" Don't worry the babies aren't here." "Ok good because I don't think I ready to be a dad yet. You scared me." I start to tear up just looking at her and caressing her bump. "I'm fine. Just had a little scare that's all. Trust me. I think about all the time. I'm not ready to be a mom now. I would much rather have them inside me than out here. Hey are you ok?" She asks when she sees the tears in my eyes. I nod and take a seat next to her. "You just had me really worried. I thought I was going to lose all three of y'all." She gives me a small smile. "You can't get rid of me that easy." I smile back and kiss the tip of her nose. "Just then I hear a knock on the door and Angelica pokes her head in. "Is it alright if I come in?" She asks and Kirstie nods. "I just wanted to see how you are doing before Brian and I head back to help clean up." "I'm doing good. Just glad that nothing bad happened to these 2." She said while placing her hand back on her bump. Angelica smiles and leans down to kiss Kirstie's head. "I'm glad too. I think Brian and I are going to head out. Let me know when they release you and we'll come pick you 2 up." "Alright, thanks mom." "Good night Angelica." I stand up and give her a quick hug before she leaves.

When I sit back down by Kirstie she lets out a yawn. "Get some rest. I'll ask when you can go home." She nods and I peck her lips before heading out to the hallway. "Excuse me, I was wondering when Kirstin Maldonado would be released." I ask the nurse at the nurses station. She types a few things on her computer before answering. "It looks like Ms. Maldonado can go home in the morning. They are just keeping her tonight to make sure that nothing goes wrong." "Alright, thank you." When I walk back into Kirstie's room I hear soft snores coming from her. I smile and take a seat before dozing off myself.

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