Aurora 20

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We walk into the Main temple.  And before father could give me something to do, the four priests came.

 High priest, we would like to take our gathering now, for though we should discuss as soon as possible.

One of the priests said.

My father looks down at me, I try to give him an expression of disconsolation, to try and pursue him to take me along. He ignores me and walks along with the four priests.

I wait for him in the hallway for a while until he finally came out. He notifies me, that he will be leaving for Tainia in the morning. I asked him why they were going to Tainia. He said it wasn't anything I should be worried about.  He orders me to stay home and take the day off, and apologizes for leading me on to thinking he would give me something different to do. I agree and forgive him. But I wasn't going to obey those orders, I was going to follow them and find my duplicate. I passed through the town collecting things I think I would need. I packed  bread and fruits into a white bag that had beading that formed the shape of a flower on the front of it. I look around the house for more objects. I come across a few kitchen knives, blankets, and books, but nothing I needed necessarily. I feel an uncertainty of doubt. I never been outside of Vultera, what will it be like out there? I couldn’t pack much because my bag wasn’t big enough. Then at last my bag was ready.  I packed a piece of bread, fruit, water, a compass, an extra tunic and a blanket.

I hid the bag in my closet of my room, so that father wouldn’t find it. I lay in my bed, curled into the covers. Staring out my window waiting, I couldn’t sleep; I was too anxious and nervous for tomorrow. But as time went by, I slowly shut my eyes and fell asleep.

I wake up , slowly opening my eyes, then realize that it was late in the morning, I force my eyes to open and look out the window, the sun was high in the sky , meaning it was way past sun rise! I walk out of my room and look around for father; I notice a piece of paper on the kitchen table.

I will be away today, hope you fulfill your duties and make sure to give thanks to the higher power.

No! This can’t be happening I have to leave! I run and take my bag and put on my tunic. I slam the door behind me and galloped to where the horses were. They were gone. Even if I can’t physically see father and the priests I will catch up to him! I find myself at the gate. I stand in front of it, the white stone and rounded archway of the gate to the outside. I look at the building that basically confines us, like a fortress. I become determined and open the door to the outside. Once I see what was outside, I was shocked. 

The ground had no grass, it was so dirty. I could see the bare brown soil, tall trees and large stones. I always thought beyond the walls of Vultera, it would be greener. But looking at the scenery, the reality, Plutonia looked as though it had been through times of destruction. The trees appeared tired and weak, limping with a more greyish tone to their bark. I continue walking through the woods, trying to find a glimpse of father or hear a familiar voice. They must have been long gone. As long as I headed south, I will reach him. I continue for though it seems like hours, not one word or site of them. But I noticed the more I went deeper to the woods the greener the leaves became. The trees became healthy, patches of grass were under my feet and I could hear bird’s chirps from all around me. 

I hear voices up ahead. I come into a small town. The town was much smaller than where I lived. Dirt trails were going in all directions; only a few pine trees were surrounding it. The town was odd, I came from such a healthy environments. The town was practically in the woods but there were barely any plants, grass or many trees. This was Tainia… I see further away, a girl with flowing light brown hair, she looked like my duplicate! She walks away and I follow her. I wanted to be subtle and I had to be sure it was her. I follow her through the town and into the woods. The woods were so colorful and bright, as leaves fell from the trees I take a deep breath of air. I walk slowly behind her as she keeps walking, she never turns around. I couldn’t see her face. Then she suddenly stops. My face becomes slack, wondering if she noticed me.  I felt a sense of fortitude, I was nervous to see her again.  I was too nervous to speak. Thinking to myself, is it worth it to know what this means?

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