Cybele chapter 4

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The few days that have past have been chaotic; I’ve been stuck in this shit hole, literally in a dug out hole of dirt. As long as I was hidden from the Vultera people, I had to suck it up. I’ve lost sight of my brother Peter; gosh I wish he were here. When the word got out that the Vulterians were coming the people here spread like wild fire, some people ran, some people hid. And to my disbelief some people even prayed, now they were the most pathetic fools of them all. Peter went to get food early evening, but as soon as he left I heard voices and horses galloping, then the Vulterians where coming ,that's the last time I saw him. So he is either somewhere out there hiding or worse captured. The hole that I dug out wasn't in the best location it was in the center of our village .But I didn't have much time to dig out the extra dirt from the last time I hid here so I covered myself with a camouflage blanket. It was dangerous, I felt nearly unsafe. I quickly look out to see if anyone was around, I see standing not too far away from me a tall dark haired man that looked to be the high priest. But what were particular about him were his eyes, His dark grey eyes. One of the men from our village was on his knees, I didn't recognize him. He kept dirtying himself with mud repeating please, please. The man had so much fear he was trembling. The man with the dark grey eyes kicked the poor man down.

Foolish man! Praying to the soil! It cannot save you, only the higher power can!  But you are too late!

I gasp loudly. I quickly readjust my position making sure that the man doesn't see me. I fold my hands over my mouth, with a deep feeling that the man heard me and was looking around. Thankfully he ignored my gasp and then I looked again secretly, the dark grey eyed man turned to the poor man who was on his knees.

I will never pray to the higher power!   The old man yelled

 A furious expression took over the dark grey eyed man’s face, his voice deepened immensely.

You dare! To disobey and crucify the higher power! He grabbed a sword and swung and cut the head right off the poor man’s body. I stare petrified, shaking and trembling as I stay frozen.

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