Aurora 24

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I had to leave early from my meeting with Cybele, I had to get home before father .If I showed up after him, he would raise suspicions .I stop walking for a moment to catch my breath. I look around me, taking in my surroundings. Something about the forest made me feel comfortable. Maybe it was how fresh the air was or how the leaves fell from the trees. The forest brought me much optimism.  Then I realized that there weren’t many animals around. Maybe it was because I had been walking through here, might of scared them off. I think back to outside the fortress on how lifeless it looked. Why outside the Vultera walls was it so dark and dingy? From these healthy trees to those limping dying ones. I continue walking but moving slightly faster with the fear at the back of my mind that I would be caught. Many thoughts run through my mind: Will I be caught? What does this mean for Vultera and Tainia? Who Am I? Who Is Cybele? How did this happen? And where did all these dreams come from?  I had never dreamed before at least from what I can remember. But After that night I met Cybele, I haven’t stopped dreaming.

During the day I would dream of have having no duties and being somewhere by the sea, I’ve read about the sea in stories but I’ve never seen it with my own eyes. I would be exploring things I never have gotten the chance to and be happy. I've been having dreams when I sleep as well, there were good dreams, where I was in a valley riding a beautiful chocolate brown horse through the tall grass. But now and then I would have this one dream that wasn’t so lovely. Everything is white, no plants, no grass, just nothing. I am running from something but I do not know from what, I slip and fall and when I get back up , all my clothes have disappeared but my necklace and I’m covered in blood. I always wake up from that dream, hustling off my covers in a panic. Ever since I started thinking and learning more about Cybele, the more frequently I would dream. I think I started dreaming because my reality wasn’t satisfying or maybe I was just troubled but also that reality has limitations…But when I dream day or night, my imagination is endless.

When I made it through the gates and got to the house safely and unseen, I was so relieved. Next week I would have to do this all over again to meet Cybele. I laughed at myself, I felt like I was rebelling.  I wait around the house for my father but he never showed. I figured they left Tainia by now. I was getting very tired, my eyes started to droop downward and I struggled to keep them open. When I laid my head on my pillow, I hoped tonight that I would dream. I shut my eyes and let myself go to sleep.

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