Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Maddie sat on her bed and groaned at the journal. The journal started to become beat up the more she opened the journal; she was surprised the front cover didn't rip off from the amount of times she read it. Her brain felt extremely slowed down. Maddie had even turned the light off to concentrate, but it just made her tired. Rendering the journal useless, she slid off her bed with distress and groans so loud that the people in Africa would've heard her. Her body hit the ground, making a loud thumping noise.

Maddie had gone through that journal at least fifty times; she knew it from the cover to the back. She started from Annabeth's first entry in Ancient Rome and read it to the last entry back in 1989. Nowhere in that time was period Clemens mentioned. Not even with a stupid nickname that Annabeth loved to come up with. It was all just a bunch of filled pages that smelled like ink, paper, and death. The whole book was death. Maddie threw the book away from her and threw her hands up with frustration.

Why was Clemens so obsessed with Annabeth? Clemens wasn't mentioned at all so why did she hate them so much? It was now obvious that Clemens wanted blood and revenge, and Maddie had to work with the lady. Maybe I can convince my dad to let me transfer schools, Maddie pondered.

The light went on in Maddie's room and she felt the intensity of the light mess with her brain. Her brain sizzled from the light in her room. Maddie groaned as she saw Jessie walk into her room confused.

"Turn the lights off!" Maddie groaned.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?" Jessie asked her. Jessie stood in the doorway as she touched the painted wall. "Why are you sitting on the floor?"

"I'm studying," Maddie lied.

"Well, take a break because dinner's ready," Jessie said, with a warm smile on her face. "Penny made dinner this time so it ought to be good."

"I'm not hungry."

"You're always hungry," Jessie reminded her. "Come on its lasagna! Your aunt rarely makes it and it's your favorite. Alex already told me no, but I figured you would come down."

"Jessie!" Maddie shouted impatiently. She was so not in the mood to be interrupted of her dark brooding time. "I really have a lot of work to do and I'd appreciate it if you just leave me alone and let me study!" Right when Maddie lost her wits, she immediately regretted how she spoke to her Aunt. Jessie looked at her, taken back at what she said. Jessie's face screamed one emotion—hurt. Jessie walked out of the room, closed the door, and kept the light on.

God, Maddie was a complete disaster; she was letting her frustration hurt the people she cared about. Jessie was so hurt at what Maddie said, and Maddie didn't mean to push her away. Maddie stood up and walked towards the door so that she could apologize. As Maddie went to go apologize, she stopped and stared at Annabeth's journal. It was faced upwards with a page towards the end of journal opened. From afar, it looked like there was writing in it. No way.

Maddie walked towards the book and grabbed it off the floor. She flipped to the open page and saw the date— September 1st, 2015. Impossible. Maddie skimmed through the pages and saw that Annabeth had met up with some lady who looked exactly like Clemens, and a lover.

Maddie continued to read on and saw that she gave him a location to Pandemonium Hotel. Maddie felt her heart pound as she read on to Clemens telling Annabeth that she has kept an eye on the warlock's boy toy, and the doppelgänger. Clemens also mentioned a plan she had to get her lover to draw Maddie out, and Maddie immediately started to panic. Who was the lover? The only thing Maddie got from the entry was that Annabeth was somehow alive and involved with the ceremony.

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