Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Maddie felt her head spin as she felt something cool drip. She felt something cold and icy on her back; it felt like a stone floor. The room felt hot and humid, making her skin sweat bullets onto the ground. The room was silent as she heard the drip drop of water plummet down to the ground. The room felt stale; there was no life in it at all. Where the hell was she?

Maddie sat upright and nothing but metal bars around her. Maddie's pulse quickened and she gasped, stood up, and saw herself locked in a cage that was barely big enough to hold her. Maddie breathed sharply as she started to rattle the cage to dry and break out. No, this can't be happening. Maddie banged against the cage with her shoulder and started to swear loudly.

"It won't work," Maddie heard a familiar voice say to her. "I already tried it."

Maddie felt her heart sink and her body get all sweaty. Maddie looked around and saw Faith in the same place she was in. Her head felt groggily, but she had the taste of metal in the back of her mouth that made the grogginess go away. Maddie looked around the windowless room and saw that it was all made out of pale stone.

"Is this real right now?" Maddie asked her, fighting her tears. At least she wasn't alone in the stone room. She had her best friend with her. The last time she saw Faith was in a dream, but Maddie still didn't know whether or not that dream was real. Maddie was drugged up that day from her tea.

"Unfortunately." Faith stood up from the ground and touched the bars, only to be burned by the iron. "Mine's been doused with holy water to keep me from breaking out."

"Wait, you're a vampire now?" Maddie asked her, examining her cage. "When did that happen?"

"When I ran away from home," Faith explained with exhaustion. "It's a long story how it happened, so I won't bore a hunter with the details because it's not exactly legal."

"Then don't tell me." Maddie rattled the cage again and gave swore loudly. "Why did you run away?"

"I always hated Black Chapel, and you left," Faith explained. "So, I left. I had a friend of mine turn me just like I wanted when I was eleven. Then I was grabbed by these goons and brought here."

"Was it my father?" Maddie asked Faith, gripping the cold bars with her hand.

"I don't know who grabbed me, but I know they did it as leverage to grab you."

"Where the hell are we even?" Maddie paced her small cage.

"Some skyscraper in Manhattan."

There was a loud shout in the room and a black gate opened up by the side of the room. Faith went silent. Maddie watched as Caleb Rollins strolled into the room, armed with at least a dozen weapons. Maddie wanted to strangle him badly for kidnapping her and Faith for the ceremony. That had to be the reason why Maddie was brought here.

Caleb walked towards Maddie's cage and stared at her as other men dressed in black armor walked in towards her cage. "There you are, my niece." Caleb unlocked the cage and let his men inside. Maddie felt them grab her by the arm, and force her towards the door against her will.

"Where are you taking me?" Maddie bravely demanded, struggling to break free from the grasp of the men. Maddie noticed a mark on their necks of what seemed to look like the same mark from the fury she examined over the summer. "What do those marks mean?"

All of a sudden, she felt a needle injected in to her neck and the room suddenly blacked out.


Maddie slowly opened her eyes and saw a dark shadow on top of her. Suddenly there was a long sharp pain down by her crotch. The pain made her gasp as the shadow sat on top of her and was thrusting its body on her. The pain became more and more excruciating as Maddie started to let out a long scream that made her throat irritated. The pain increased that the thrusting became more forceful; her crotch felt like it was being ripped out of her body. Maddie couldn't come up with the words to scream for help from her body being too weak to produce words. Maddie tried to lift her arm to fight back, but she saw that there was a rope around her wrists. Maddie continued to scream and scream as the man continued to thrust until she was no longer conscious from the pain. 


"MARCUS!" Luke shouted, barging into Marcus Salvatore's apartment. He was so angry that he left Maddie alone to be kidnapped that he wanted to rip heads off. Maddie was probably locked up, and he had to go rescue her. The problem was that Luke had no clue where she was held captive.

That was why he needed Marcus to track her down. Marcus could track her down and get a location, then Luke was going to portal there with back up and save Maddie before she was killed. He was willing to do anything, even if that meant working with Nick. Luke already texted Alex to get back up assembled, so all that had to be done was a simple spell.

Marcus walked out of his bedroom and sighed. "Let me guess." Marcus held his hand up. "You're are here to ask me to help save your girlfriend. Join the club because Tyler Mason just made a similar request."

"Tyler Mason was going to give her in!" Luke exclaimed with anguish.

Marcus sighed as he assembled what he needed. He pulled out a lock of blonde hair. "You and your friends truly jump to conclusions very quickly. Tyler explained to me everything that went down, and if Goldilocks would've stayed and listened, then she probably wouldn't be where she is now. He wasn't going to deliver her to them. Tyler was going to use her to have me make a transformative potion on himself to save his daughter, sacrificing himself instead of a sixteen-year-old child. So, you can imagine how taken back he was to find her snooping through his stuff, which was why he didn't answer her. Now, he just sent me a very angry letter and now I am working with the Masons once again."

"Ah," Luke said with realization. What Marcus explained made completely more sense than what Luke came up with. If only Maddie was in the room to hear it, because then he knew she would be touched by her father. "So, what now?"

"Nick and I will portal to the skyscraper, and stop Caleb" Marcus explained. "My powers are weak because Caleb's channeling of our energy with his warlock. I will need you and the others to be ready to fight."

"On it," Luke said. He would do anything to save Maddie. He took out his phone and texted Ben for help. He then followed Marcus through a portal. 

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