Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Maddie gasped awake, back sweating from her sinful encounter that would scar her for life. Her whole body felt dirty and cold from the haunting movement of thrusts that were still on her body, and she wanted to throw up. Maddie's breathing hardened as her body went cold and shivered from the encounter. This is all my fault, Maddie immediately blamed herself.

Maddie crawled over to the cage and rattled it weakly. She was in so much pain that she could barely move, but she had to soldier through it and get out. As much as she wanted to die in a hole, she couldn't die trapped in a cage and in preparation for a ceremony. Maddie sobbed with pain as the memory kept interfering with her thinking.

It's no use! Maddie slumped to the floor and started to sob. She was a horrible person and she deserved everything that happened tonight. She got Cat killed, and now she was going to be responsible for the death of everyone. Maddie bullied Jenna two years ago, along with Olivia. She also blackmailed. Maddie was scum.

Maddie glanced at Faith, who was being dragged away from her cage. Faith. If Maddie was dying, then she couldn't let Faith die also. Maddie crawled to the cage and quickened her breathing.

"Please," Maddie begged weakly. "You already punished one of us unspeakably. Let Faith free. She's only sixteen, meaning she has her whole life to live. I'm begging you. Faith doesn't deserve this, and I didn't try to escape! I'm here! Faith is only here because of me. Now that you have me, just let her go!"

The young man dragging Faith paused a little bit, and looked like he was getting what she was saying. Maddie stared eagerly at the man, and saw him slowly released Faith. Faith gasped, but not from getting free. It was from a stake that went through her gut. Maddie screamed out her friend's name as Faith collapsed to the ground and struggled to pull the stake out of her gut.

"NO!" Maddie shouted with agony. She shook the bars of the cage and started to cry. She slowly stopped as she saw a now free Olivia Butchwell walk towards her cage. Maddie's eyes went wide as Olivia opened the cage, yanked Maddie out, and started to drag her away from Faith.

As she saw Faith struggle to break free, Maddie's anger started to boil up. Nobody hurts her friends and gets away with it. Right after her revelation, Maddie had no clue what overcame her. Maddie elbowed Olivia ferociously in the rip, and broke free from Olivia's grasp. As Olivia crouched in agony, Maddie swiftly stole the sword from Olivia's belt and held it firmly.

Maddie glared at Olivia and smirked. Olivia quickly stood up. "How did you do that?" Olivia asked with pain in her voice.

"It doesn't matter because you'll be dead in seconds."

Maddie smirked and held her sword out. Olivia's eyes threw daggers at Maddie's as Olivia flung herself at her. Maddie, with no mercy, jabbed the sword into Oliva's stomach. Every time Maddie stabbed the sword into Olivia, Maddie remembered all the horrible things Olivia had tried to do to her. Each jab felt angrier and angrier. Eventually, Olivia fell to the ground. Her body fell lifeless as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, revealing only the whites in her eyes.

Maddie dropped the sword on the ground and immediately ran to her Faith. Maddie gasped at how deep the stake was, grabbed it, and pulled it out quickly. Maddie helped her friend up and tried to look around for a way out. Maddie right away saw the man flee, and that meant they didn't have much time.

"Maddie, I'm so scared!" Faith sobbed out.

"I know, but you can do this!" Maddie assured her. "We both went through hell, so we have to win! Losing is not an option right now!"

"Especially with what happened to you."

Maddie didn't say anything. She held the sword in her hand as the two friends roamed down the metal corridor, looking for a way out. Maddie right away spotted at least five guards and a warlock creating a portal. Maddie felt her rage get stronger as all five of the guards run towards them. Maddie right away deflected their hits against her, and ducked as if her practice was normal. Maddie's pulse quickened as she spun in a circle, slicing two guards in the stomach. Maddie stabbed another one of them while Faith snapped the necks of the remaining two.

Maddie spotted the portal. As she started to run, she felt someone attack her from behind, knocking the sword of her hand, and restraining her arms with his hands. Maddie immediately saw it was Caleb, and attempted to squirm out of his grasp. Maddie gasped and saw the portal close a little bit.

"FAITH, THE PORTAL!" Maddie shrieked while fighting out of Caleb's tight hold on her. "RUN! GET HELP!" Maddie felt her whole body get shoved towards where the bloodstone was. She saw Faith zoom through the portal right when it disappeared.

Maddie sobbed and tried to squirm out, but found it no use. Jupiter's Eclipse was actually happening. She felt a sharp pain in her wrist as Caleb sliced her veins open, pouring all of her blood into a small bowl. Maddie shrieked in pain as she felt the wound burn against her skin, blood pumping slower in her ear as she heard the young warlock chant a spell in Greek.

Maddie's eyes felt heavy as she suddenly found herself on the cold ground, still hearing the spell chanted in her ear. Maddie slowly felt her body shut down. While waiting, Maddie already imagined her gravestone. It would say: Madison Katerina Mason. Born: June 24th, 1999. Died: October 1st, 2015. Survived by her father, siblings, and boyfriend.

Maddie's eyes got heavy as she heard the sound of what it seemed to be Robert Lancaster's voice, and what it seemed to be the sound of at least three dozen hunters battling into the skyscraper. Maddie's vision slowly blurred as the blood kept moving out of her body, but she saw Luke Morgan clearly. Maddie tried to call out his name, but could not get the strength to even open her mouth.

She saw Luke run to her, but then she saw a man come up right behind him and stake him right through the chest. Maddie's heart shattered as Luke stood still and made direct eye contact with her. Maddie wanted to shout at him, run into his arms, and try to save him. She wanted to stand up and say she loved him.

How she met him kept replaying in her head as she watched Luke collapse onto the ground. She remembered walking into the cafeteria last year, and remembered how captivated she was of him. He seemed to hate her, but Maddie knew the reason now. Luke loved her so much, and now he was dead.

Maddie felt her whole body get heavy as she turned her head weakly to the right. She caught a small glimpse of Caleb getting handcuffed, and she slowly smiled. Good. Maddie slowly closed her eyes and be scooped by someone. Then she lost consciousness. 

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