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5; Phone Calls

{March 5, 2012}

"Hazel, hurry up." Rosa said and I groaned.

"Why?" I asked and walked up next to her.

She sighed. "Because. Now we need to get to class." Rosa said and pulled me to our Drama class

We walked in and sat in out seats, me yawning. "I'm tired. I wanted to skip but you forced me to come to class." I glared at Rosa and she smiled.

"Whatever." She said and our teacher walked in, that Ashton boy from yesterday following him.

"Class, this is Ashton. He switched classes so he'll be here for the rest of the year." Mr. Fern said and Ashton smiled at the class.

"Ashton, you can go sit by Rosa and Hazel." Mr. Fern said and Ashton walked over, sitting down in the empty seat next to me. "Hey." Ashton said and I nodded.

"She hates talking to people." Rosa said and Mr. Fern clapped his hands together, getting the attention of the class.

"Ok class, we'll be having a play at the end of the year." Mr. Fern said.

"What's the play going to be?" Crystal asked. I hate that she's in my class.

Mr. Fern smiled. "I'm going to let you all choose. When you come up with a decision, tell me." Mr. Fern said.

Arzaylea jumped up. "Romeo and Juliet." She said.

"No, Beauty and the Beast." Rosa said.

"Legally Blonde."


"Cinderella." I rolled my eyes and watched the whole class argue over the play.

I stood up on my chair and whistled, getting everyone's attention. "How about we write down the play we want on a paper then put it all in a hat. We can have Mister Fern draw one and whichever he gets, we preform." I say.

Ashton stood up and nodded. "I like her idea. We can use my hat for the drawing." Ashton took his hat off and everyone wrote down the play they wanted.

Ashton held his hat out and everyone put their papers in the hat. Ashton walked up to the front and Mr. Fern closed his eyes, grabbing a paper from the hat.

He opened his eyes and looked at the paper in hand. "We'll be doing the play, Cinderella." Mr. Fern said and I sat down. Ashton put his hat back on and walked over, sitting next to me.

"That was a good idea." Ashton whispered.

I nodded. "I did that in my old school for plays." I mumbled.

"Really?" Ashton asked.

"Yea. We all made up a play. It was called Phone Calls. Similar to Romeo and Juliet, only more modernized and funnier." I said.

Crystal raised her hand. "Can we do the traditional Cinderella?" She asked.

Mr. Fern shook his head. "We'll be doing a modernized version of Cinderella." Mr. Fern said and I stood up.

"Mister Fern, I think we should all watch the movie, Modern Day Cinderella. We can do the play based off of that." I said.

"That's a good idea. That'll be everyone's homework, watch Modern Day Cinderella." Mr. Fern said.

"Well that's not it's name but it's similar to it. There's three Modern Day Cinderella movies." I said and the bell rung.

"Go home and watch one of the modern Cinderella movies. Have a great day." Mr. Fern said and everyone left class. I grabbed my bag and walked out, Ashton running after me.

"Hey, didn't I see you yesterday?" Ashton asked.

I nodded. "Yea. Oh and well played, putting your number in my book was very smooth." I said.

Ashton smiled. "Yea, I was just going to give you my number but you looked like you were in a hurry to leave." Ashton said

"I was. I hate my father." I said.

"Oh, so your father works there?" Ashton asked.

"Yea. Doctor Prim is my father." I said and Ashton was a little stunned.

"Oh, wow." He said and Amber honked the horn.

"I gotta go, but give me a call later. Bye." I waved to Ashton before running to the car, getting in.

I looked out the window and watched the school disappear behind me, along with Ashton and the school parking lot. I'll be looking forward to that phone call, Ashton.

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