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1; The Beginning

{March 2, 2012}

"Yo, Irwin are you even listening?" Calum asked, pulling me back to reality.

"What?" I asked and he sighed.

"You suck." Calum said and I rolled my eyes.

"Ash why have you been so down lately?" Michael asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked and looked at him.

"You've been down lately and it's worrying us. Is there something wrong?" Michael asked.

I shook my head. "There's nothing wrong." I lied. There's everything wrong.

The guys don't know this but my mum is sick, Lauren is still getting bullied in school, and Harry is trying to help out so much but it's hard for him to. I've been stressed out lately and I guess I might come off as depressed right now too.

"Are you sure?" Calum said and I nodded.

"I'm fine." I said and my phone buzzed. I looked at it and sighed.

Harry: Ash!! Ash come home please, mum is doing worse.

Ash: I'm on my way.

I put my phone away and stood up, looking at the guys. "I gotta go, my mum needs me." I said and left the guys before they could question me. Oh mum, please be ok.


"Baby, come on." My step-mum, Karen, whined. I absolutely hate her and her son, Jason. They're using my father for money and are always mean to me.

After my mum died, I stopped talking to a lot of people and became an antisocial guitarist. I sing, play guitar, and draw. I also write my own songs but I haven't had much time to do that since my father moved to Australia, forcing me to follow him.

I'm sixteen, I shouldn't have had to come to Australia with my father. At least I don't live in the same house as my father or his 'family' but I live in an apartment with my friend, Amber. She moved to Australia before me and I moved in with her, seeing I'm now in Sydney, Australia with her.

"Karen, stop complaining." My father said. I had to meet my father's new wife and her son today and Karen is complaining to my father about how I'm just a simple little daddy's girl. Hell, in all honestly, I loved my mother more than my father.

"But she is!! I bet she begged you to let her come with you." Karen said.

"Actually, I'd rather be back in Cali, far away from your slutty ass." I said.

Karen gasped. "How dare you say that to me!! I'm your mother." She said.

"No you're not. Now I need to get going, bye Hunter." I waved to my father before leaving the house, hearing Karen say something about how my dad shouldn't let me call him by his first name.

"Stupid bitch." I mumbled, walking down the road. I walked passed a house, which had an ambulance in front of it.

"Poor people. Wish I was them." I mumbled, walking faster down the road. I got to my apartment and walked in, laying down on the couch. Amber walked into the living room and sighed.

"You're so much like your mother." Amber said and I looked at her.

"Shut up." Amber has been my friend since we were born and she knew my mother like her own mother.

"See!! You swear like her and you don't give two shits like her. Plus you're a sassy ass mofo when you need to be." Amber said and I nodded.

"I know that, now shut the fuck up and let me sleep." I mumbled, closing my eyes.

"Also didn't like people disturbing your sleep." Amber mumbled, walking out of the living room.

As soon as I heard her bedroom door shut, I was out like a light. Damn father and his new wife, they'll be the death of me, I swear. But this is only the beginning, I can tell you that now.

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