forced order

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"I am not going in there," geno told Alphys and undyne in hushed voices.

"G-geno, hun, he's t-the k-king, I'm so-sorry but you can't re-refuse. It's the l-law." Alphys whispered back.

"And I'm going to go in with you, it'll be okay, bud." Undyne said.

Geno stayed quiet when the guards appeared, "the Kings ready."

Undyne nodded and gave Alphys a kiss, "Well meet you back at the house?"


"Alright, let's go, bud." Undyne said as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

They walked through the palace halls where the guards led them to the throne room.
When the two doors opened it revealed Asgore talking to another skeleton with an honor badge sewed onto the purple uniform.

She looked oddly familiar to geno.

Asgore soon noticed them come in and smiled, "geno, undyne. Thank you for coming."

"Not like we had a choice." Geno said under his breath which made undyne elbow him on his side.

"You've requested us for an urgent request, Sire?" Undyne said, Asgore nodded and sat down in his throne.
He nodded and got straight to the point.
"As you've known undyne, missing reports have been going through the roof around the north and east. As my duty as king I cannot ignore my people missing at an alarming rate." Asgore sighed and rubbed his forehead, "So me and Sule have been having meetings about forming a scout. To search out the areas where most people have been reported missing."

"Sule?" Geno asked, he wasn't really paying attention.

A skeleton smiled and walked next to Asgore. She wore a purple uniform black jeans and boots. Her skull had a crack near her empty eye sockets. Her other working one was the color yellow.

"This is sule," Asgore said, "she's the one who saved you in the war. The third survivor."

Geno's and undyne's eyes widen in shock and they stared at the smiling skeleton. Sule then walked Over to geno and held out her hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you, geno." Sule said, she and geno shook hands.

"Y-you're the one who saved me!?" Geno said in disbelief.

"Just in time too," she laughed.

"Ahem," Asgore coughed and everyone turned their attention to him. "Sule please continue the conversation we had,"

"Yes." Sule obeyed, her tone completely changed from sweet to general like "We're making a scout, as Asgore said, and you are required to join-"

"You can't do that!" Undyne shouted.

"Excuse me?" Sule said raising her non existence eyebrow.

"Asgore! You just made a law that monsters under the age of 25 can't join any military forces! The scout is apart of it! Geno's only 19!" Undyne yelled.

"SILENCE!" Asgore hollered,  but undyne wouldn't give up geno had to hold undyne back from going up in Asgore's face. But it was difficult for him too, the word around him was going dark, his soul was beating faster than Alphys would have liked, and his breathing was too fast and not enough air was going through him even though he didn't need it.

"He is required to go, he's the only other one who knew the war strategies!" Sule began to defend Asgore.

"He is in no condition to be put back there! We both know what's in the east and north. I am not sending him there!" Undyne scream so loud that Guards were starting to run into the room. Geno didn't even notice, his mind has gone completely blank.

Drips of red. Afterdeath [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now