Through hard times, laughter is what many are thankful for.

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“Bruce, get me a cold cloth.”

“Of co-course.” a skeleton answered, he walked over to small table and grabbed a cloth, soaking it in a bowl of water and squeezing the water out. The room only had one lit candle, for the benefit of the monster that was with them, the room was still dark and casted shadows everywhere. As he readied the cloth, his eyes were glued to the child that laid on the bed.

The child's eyes had dark circles underneath them, Their breathing was slow and small. The doctor that was next to them sighed and looked to Bruce.

“H-here.” Bruce said quietly and handed the Doctor the damp cloth. The Doctor took it and carefully placed it on the child's forehead. The child shifted but didn't open her eyes, the Doctor sighed and rubbed their temples.

“How's she l-looking Doc?” Bruce asked with worry, he sat down besides the child and looked up to the Doctor who crossed their arms.

The Doctor sighed and gave Bruce a look of pity, “There's nothing else I could do, her magic levels are depleting and her HP is going down by percentages.”

“......I see…” Bruce sighed, he looked down and kept himself from crying. A hand laid on his shoulder, he sniffed and looked up to the Doctor.

“I'm so sorry Bruce, I know she's a child from your group but….” The doctor sighed, “Even if they brought me, including all those other doctors…..The best you can do for this child is make her as comfortable as possible…even if she won't respond to it.”

Bruce nodded and sniffed, putting a hand over his eyes. The Doctor sighed and got their things leaving Bruce alone with the child.

Bruce looked over to the child and held her hand. She was barely the age of seven and already fallen into the unavoidable illness. Bruce sighed as she didn't respond back to it, he could tell her time was almost up for her hand was lacking warmth.

“I'll stay with you.” Bruce sniffed and looked to the child, yet again, she didn't respond. Bruce sighed and leaned back into the chair, he looked up to the ceiling which seemed it could fall on them in a matter of seconds due to how it was cracked.

Within a couple of minutes a knock at the door interrupted the skeletons thoughts, he quickly wiped any remaining tears and looked to the door, “Come in.” Bruce said quietly as if he was afraid to wake the child, but no matter what they won't respond to anything anymore.

A timid looking goat poked his head out and looked to Bruce. “Y-yes, Harry?” Bruce asked and looked to him, Harry shyly walked in and fiddled with his fingers.

“Um T-the headmaster w-wants to s-speak with you.” Harry said and looked to Bruce who raised an eyebrow.

“Which o-one?” Bruce asked and hoped it wasn't…

“Red one.” Harry said quickly.

Bruce groaned slightly as took a deep breath, he looked to Harry and tapped the chair, “Do they n-need me now, o-or later…?” Bruce asked “I ne-need to stay with Alex…”

“Now,” Harry said and sat on the other chair, he shook slightly looking to Bruce, “T-they had a-an episode y-yesterday maybe i-it has to d-do with the ones over at the m-monster kingdom?” Harry questioned.

Bruce let out another groan and crossed his arms, “What t-the hell are they e-even doing…?” He shook his head and stood up, he frowned when he looked to the child on the bed. He turned to Harry and sighed, “Stay w-with her for me, okay?”

Harry nodded, “Yeah, I will.”

Bruce frowned and walked to the door, he looked back to the child one last time before walking back out to a marble hallway. As he walked his gaze looked over the familiar place, the stone of the walls were chipped and broken, some even gone making a hole in the wall. Though the hole Bruce could see a couple of others outside in the big grass area, the trees surrounded it like a barrier and kept them hidden.

Drips of red. Afterdeath [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now