The Leader

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"Enough......." the voice said more calmly.

Geno still shook on ground. Whoever spoke slowly walked towards geno, geno was sure they were going to kill for almost offing one of their own.

He flinched when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder.
Slowly he lifted his head to see who it was, it was an old turtle. He wore a comforting smile and offered to help geno up.
Geno hesitated on taking his hand but still did. He noticed that this guy wasn't a vampire and felt a small bit better.

He began to shake violently not realizing that his body heat was extremely low.

"I'm sorry, boy." The turtle said, "these ones out there are young, I'm sorry for all the trouble they put you through."

Geno didn't respond but continued to shake.
The old turtle noticed this and spoke again, "you'll freeze to death if we stay out here, come. Let me take you to our home and get you warm as an apology."

The turtle didn't even wait for an answer and was already grabbing on to geno leading him back to their home. Geno was to weak, tired and cold to decline so he went with it.


The only sound geno could hear was the chattering of his teeth and the footsteps. They all stopped at once when the made it to a area surrounded by trees and vines. The turtle pushed past the vines and went into a long wet tunnel.
They all marched into it, geno and the turtle following behind.
"So, where are you from?" The turtle asked.
Geno hesitated, but lied, "a small village in the east. I-I came here because I h-heard if the great hiking mountains they h-have here."
The turtle raised an eyebrow and geno's soul sunk for a second before he spoke, "I heard the village there is peaceful from war! It must be nice -oh dear me. I don't think i gave you my name. It's greson."

"Geno," geno smiled.

"Geno, huh? Is that short for something? It's unusual to have a short name." Greson asked.

"It's short for genocide," geno huffed, "I honestly don't know where my mother was when he gave me that."
Greson laughed at geno's humorous tone and lit a torch.

"We've got somethin' old man." One small kid said.

Greson squinted and moved the torch in the direction of the young vampires. Small to big boulders blocked the rest of the path.
"How bad is it fell?" Greson sighed.

"Pretty~ bad~ old man." A skeleton in red upfront said, "can't even see the fire from the other side."

"Well ain't Dat great!" The same small kid says, "the leada' is gonna catch the whole village on fire when he finds out were late."

"What!?" Geno said a bit too loudly.

"Yeah," the small kid said, they turned around. They were a small deer monster/vampire.
"He's gonna set the whole place on fire just walking over to us!"

"God....." geno whispered, he guessed the leader wasn't someone to mess or disobey with. He still shivered from the freezing cold he was feeling but he was sure more of it was coming from fear.

"Alrighty," Greson says, "I have a half finished salad waiting for me at home and I rather not be late. Fell, you know what to do!"

The one named fell cracked his knuckles before beckoning a few other small vampires to the rubble.

"What d-do you think caused this?" Geno whispered to greson.

"I'm not sure, I'm old and not a vampire. So no night vision of the sort, and definitely can't hear so good cause of my age." Greson said plainly, "But you yourself seem interesting. Are you not in pain?"

Drips of red. Afterdeath [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now