Death the visitor

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Greson woke up along with the rest of the staff, once he left geno with the kids yesterday he immediately fell asleep. He greeted everyone hello and headed up stairs to the children's room.

This was a normal time for him and the children to get up, so he was expecting to see them up and cleaning and making their beds but was surprised when he didn't See them at all.
Greson raised an eyebrow as he headed to the end of the room, he used a candle to help see due to it being night instead of morning.

Once greson made it to the end of the room his eyes widened in surprise and amazement.

The kids were curled up next to each other, some even sharing a blanket. All of them had white boards next to them or in the grip of their hands, greson took a few moments to focus on the white boards to see what they would say.

The writing was 'Hello, my name is Mini'

It repeated till they got the writing right and spelled correctly. Greson couldn't help but smile, a few kids even had a book opened to a few pages.

Greson looked forward, to the end of the room, where the rest of the children slept with paper and white boards. And to the very end was geno, he laid on his stomach(?) In front of a large construction paper on the wall. A few other children slept near geno, fell was the closest having a paper in front of him and geno.

Greson edged his way closer, tip toeing over the vampire children to not disturb their slumber. He squinted his eyes to the construction paper. In neat writing was,

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee....and so on.

Greson gave out a small quiet laugh, he couldn't believe it.
A small groan caused greson to flinch slightly, he looked down at the children to see which one of them were waking up.
Fell stood up in front of greson rubbing his eye sockets and yawned.
"What time is it?" He spoke quietly.

"It's six," Greson smiled, "the usually time I wake you up."

"We stayed up," fell yawned again.

"I can see that," Greson laughed and started to bend down and tap geno's skull in order to get him up.
Geno slightly groaned and weakly pushed Greson's hand away.
Fell held in a laugh and bent down in front of geno.

"Geno! Hey!" Fell whispered and started to push his shoulder.

"," geno said, he was awake but didn't open his eye.

"Get up," fell said shaking his shoulders more.

Geno huffed a bit in annoyance but started to get up.
"Gross," he sighed, a few papers that were near him got covered in blood.
"Sorry for the mess," he apologized to tiredly to greson, "and the blood, I think I got it on the floor..."

"It's fine," Greson beamed with a big smile and offered a hand to geno. Geno took Greson's hand and helped him up.

"Is something wrong? -if it's the mess I can clean it-" geno started when greson gave him a weird look.

"No, no its not that, just thinking." Greson smiled.

Geno looked at him nervously but it soon faded away when everyone else started to wake up. Some kids tossed and turned in order to go back to sleep but greson started to make an alarm sound with the desk.

"Up, up, up, up." Greson called out, all the kids groaned and did as they were told. "Come on, Leader is gonna be here and it's rude to be half asleep when he visits -you too fell, go."

Fell mumbled 'fine' and waved goodbye to geno as he and the other kids went to the bathrooms to clean themselves up.

As soon as they all left greson turned to geno.

Drips of red. Afterdeath [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now