closed minded

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Geno stirred in his sleep before waking up, the room was the same as before. Only darker with a small candle lit and sitting on a dresser to lighten the darkness.

Geno looked up to the bag, that was connected to his soul, to see it empty, slowly he sat up and looked around.
The room was entirely empty, even greson wasn't here.

Carefully he took the wire off his soul and got up.
He quickly put on his green clothes and looked around on the room once more.

He saw some marks of furniture that used to be in the room but nothing else.
Geno looked at the candle that was on the dresser and grabbed it. "Just in case," geno shrugged, he can't tell how dark it was going to be in the hallway. Considering that this room didn't have any Windows to let light in.

Geno quietly opened the door, hoping not to disturb anyone if they were around. But in the end he was met with a long dark empty hallway.
"Huh?" Geno questioned and looked side to side. Still no one else.

Geno decided to walk down the hallway in front of his room. Geno kept on looking around holding the candle as far out as he could to see. He couldn't help but feel paranoid.

Every step felt like an inch, the more he walked the farther the hallway seemed to go.

For what seemed like hours of the floor boards creaking under geno's steps, he almost makes it to the end of the hallway till a mirror catches his eye.

Geno angled the the candle closer to the walls if the hallway. He saw the light reveal a large mirror about his size.
Curious, geno walked in front of the mirror and gasped. He quickly jumped out of reflection of the mirror then rubbing his eye.
The then again stepped in front of the mirror and gasped again.

Geno's reflection didn't reflect him, but at the same time it did.
What he saw in the mirror was a younger version of himself. He was wearing a oversized blue jacket with black gym shorts, like the ones he wore to the camping trip. The child geno didn't even have his bleeding scar or glitch.

Geno moved his hand a bit, the child geno did as well.
"Woah" both geno and child geno said at the same time. he walked a little to the side and so did child geno, geno continued to move a bit seeing if child geno would continue to do the same.

Geno soon got creeped out and walked away from the mirror. He shook his head and continued to walk to the end of the hallway before he walking right into a glass wall.

"Ow!- what?" Geno groaned as he hit the glass lightly with his hand.
Geno looked through the glass, to both sides of the end of the hallway were two other hallways, just like the ones that were in front of geno's room. Geno blinked once and the room on the other side of the glass changed to a forest.

"What!?" Geno whispered harshly, he backed up and tried to run the other way but came face to face with another side of glass that showed the forest in the other side.
Geno touched all the sides of the glass around him, "I'm in a box!?" Geno panicked.

He tried banging on the glass but nothing happened. "What the hell...."

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" A scream came from behind geno.

Geno quickly turned and ran to the end of the glass when he saw who it was.
"Chara!" Geno yelled.

Chara was on the ground clinging onto a tree for dear life. Geno could see a hand through the darkness of the forest pulling on Chara's leg.
"Asriel! Help me!" They called out and geno saw Asriel run to Chara's aid.
But a tall monster covered in black jumped in front of Asriel before he could make it to chara.

Drips of red. Afterdeath [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now