Punishments of the mind

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“JUST TELL ME!” Death yelled as he nearly fell from his desk. He wheezed and gripped his chest as he tried to catch his breath, a few tears were formed in his eyes as the vampire looked around in his working area. He quickly wiped his eyes and looked to his desk, the map he had laid out had small little notes and marks of possible places to go for the evacuation. A few papers were stacked next to Death, he quickly looked them over and saw they were the assignments he assigned the soldiers too. He felt his head pounding from the dream he just had, but it quickly faded from his memory like every dream he had.

Death sighed and stood up, he calmed himself from the dream he had, and walked over to the window of his tower. He rested his arms and chin on it as he looked out to the district. To his surprise he didn't really see anyone, hell not even the guards that stood by the tunnel. The orphanage wasn't there either, not even the trees by was visible to deaths sight.

By the few moments that had passed, Death realized it was dark, normally it isn't a problem since darkness was something that always happened, but for a vampire, who are supposed to see at night, it was worrisome and unnatural.

Instantly the Leader went to his door, careful not to knock any of his things over and ruin his maps with ink that had important information written in it. Once he opened the door and stepped out he managed to trip over something and fall to his knees. Death groaned slightly and used his wings to help him get up, flying up a small bit, surprised he didn't fall all the way down the stairs instantly since they were made to go around the inside of the tower.

However, in the moment he got up he looked around him in pure disbelief. He was in the forest, the sky was dark and the trees seemed to close in together, instantly he knew he was nowhere near his district. The trees were far too close and there was no pathway in sight.

“What the hell is this..?” Death whispered as he looked around, he squinted his eyes slightly not used to not being able to see in the dark and started to walk. He didn't believe it was a dream, everything was far too real, to the smell of the trees and the fog of the forest. Each step he took made him stumble as he walked around blindly, it wasn't till a small light caught his attention.

Death debated his options and took out a small dagger that was in his boot, he held it close to him ready to defend himself if necessary as he walked over to the small light. He took his time walking to the light, making sure that he was quiet with his steps. As the light got brighter Death realized he was walking to a small campfire, but as he got closer he saw no one near the campfire, nor did he hear anyone nearby. The air got a bit colder as it blew through Death’s feathers, making him shudder as he stood in front of the campfire, the light made him feel safe now that he could finally see, but now he had a new sense of paranoia for whom the campfire belonged to.

Death took in a deep breath, breathing in the smoke, that had no affect on him, and breathed out, “Alright,” Death sighed, he looked around and stretched his wings, ready to fly, “I need to find my district.”

He looked around for a moment, worried for the vampires and monsters back home, Death shook his head before he thought the worst and turned around.

The second he took a step forward a vampire was right by his feet, covered with injures and blood as they crawled to Death, “What the hell!?” Death jumped, startled by the vampire he back away and held his dagger at them.

“H….he..lp...plea...se..” they begged and crawled closer to death, only making the leader back up in complete shock, “P̸̲̥̥̦̥͓̙͔͕̯͈̳̭̝̈̍̃́̈́̋̓̈́̉͑̿̐̃ͅL̸̢̬̝̬͚͖͓̙̹͇͉̬̠̔͗̌̈́̉̽̕͝ͅȨ̷̡̪̯̻͙̖̙̩͎̞̼͎̘͊̓̍́͋̍̄͘ͅĄ̷̹̮̫̩̠̯̺̝̎͐̊̓̅̒̎̇S̵̡̠͓̮͕̬̘̈́̑̔̓͠Ể̴̡̡̻̼̬̱̙͎̟̪̳͎̪̬̄̂̓̓̂̃̈́̈́͗̕͠͠ͅ ̶̜͛͒͘H̵͕̤͔̼̺͙̲̙͚͕̟̺̯̜͚̅͂̒Ę̴͓͍̝͕͚̤̖͚̹͗̈̿̎͠͝͝L̵̡͕̭͉̝͔̞͔̹̘͉͇͇̹̀͛́̓͆̾̉̐̍̋͋̚̚͠͝ͅP̴̠̞̮̺̣͓͇̥̺̪̤͍̋̔̔̅̈̈́͒̊͝ͅ” They screamed before turning into dust.

Drips of red. Afterdeath [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now