Hayes Grier ( Requested )

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* Requested by 101netflix101. Hope you enjoy! *

I'm trying to study but he keeps bothering me.
You had just finished eating dinner with your family, and were now up stairs studying for a test tomorrow. A loud knock suddenly came from your bedroom door taking you out of your "studying zone".

Expecting it to be one of your parents you yell from where you were sitting on your bed to see what they wanted since you were to lazy to get up and open the door. "It's me. Can I come in?" you hear an all to familiar voice say.

You glance at the time on your phone revealing that it was close to nine o'clock at night meaning you only had one more hour of studying before you had to go to bed. Why in the world is this fool over at my house this late at night on a school night? But more importantly why did my parents let him come up here at nine o'clock at night?

"It's kinda an emergency," you hear the voice add since you had yet to reply to it. "Yeah sure," you finally say. Your tall, muscular, blue eyed, and brunette haired boyfriend walks into your bedroom closing your door behind him.

"What's the big emergency that made me loss my concentration?" you ask. He flops down on your bed laying on his back. "I'm bored," he replies. "You do realize that it's a school night and I'm in the middle of studying and yet you come over to my house and complain to me about being bored?" you ask him. "Yup!" he says happily.

"Why don't you go find some snacks? You always tend to eat when you're bored," you ask. "Good idea," he says jumping back onto his own two feet and heading out of your bedroom. You immediately focus your attention back to studying knowing that it never took him long to rad your pantry. Sure enough he comes back exactly three minutes later with an arm full of food.

"Here I grabbed you a pack of Oreos," he says throwing them to you. You grab the package and start to eat them diverting your attention back to the school work in front of you.

"Y/N!" Hayes whined snapping you back to the real world. "Yes?" you say irritated since you only had half an hour left to study. "Take a break and cuddle with me. You've been staring at all of those papers for hours," he says continuing to whine. You glare at him and say, "first off I've only been able to study for half an hour and second I only have half an hour to go over four more lessons. So I really don't have any time to cuddle with you."

"Guess I'll have to tell you the real reason behind why I'm then. Y/N I came over here at nine o'clock on a school night because I knew that you would be working yourself to death," he scoots closer to you and tucks a loss piece of your hair behind your ear, "you have nothing to worry about love. I know that you'll do great.  I mean you are one of the smartest people in our whole school."

You blush at his sweet words and drop your gaze to your bedspread. He gently uses his pointer finger to guide your chin up so he can continue to look in your eyes. "Now will you please stop stressful over it and cuddle with me?" he asks. You nod your head pushing all of your books aside and climb into Hayes' strong arms.

April 9 2017

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