Hayes Grier---Smut: You'll Love It In The End

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Imagine being in your living room.

"Hayes I don't wanna go," you whined. "C'mon baby it'll be fun," Hayes says. He takes your hand in his and drags you threw your front door.

"You owe me Grier," you say narrowing your eyes at him. "Got it," he replies with a small chuckle.

You both walk up to Cameron's car. Hayes opens the back door for you. Thanking him you climb in squeezing between Hayes and Taylor.

"Yasss! You got Y/N to come," Cameron says from the drivers seat. "Yes I did. But remember everyone she's my girl. I don't want to see any of you staring at her. And keep your hands to yourself. Got it?" Hayes asks. Shawn, Taylor, and Cameron all start to laugh. You sink down in you seat wishing to disappear. When they finally recover from there laughing fit Shawn says, "we got it bro." "Good," Hayes breaths out.

"What did I get myself into?" you say under your breath. "You got yourself into a lot of mischief when you said yes to going out with Hayes," Taylor answers. "Yeah dating our boy comes with its benefits but it also comes with a lot of trouble. Like tonight for example," Shawn chimes in.

With that Cameron starts up the car and the five of you drive off into the darkness.

"We're here," Cameron says stopping the car by a small trail surrounded by trees on both sides.

"C'mon," Hayes says opening the car door and helping you get out.

Once you all are out of the car the realization of what was going to happen hits you.

"Actually you guys have a nice time. I'll stay in the car," you say putting your hand on the car door. Just as you were about to open it Hayes says, "lock it Cam." Sure enough Cameron quickly locked the door making the car give a loud chirping sound  and stuffed his keys in his pants pockets.

"You made it this far Y/N. You can go the whole way," Hayes says.

"This is peer pressure you guys," you say crossing your arms around your chest. "But you'll love it in the end. I promise baby girl. Please? For me?" Hayes asks. He gives you a loving look while sticking out his bottom lip. He makes it quiver slightly as you stare at him.

You let out a loud sigh and say, "Fine I'll go."

"Yes!" the boys all say at the same time.

"Now let's go," Shawn says. Hayes wraps his arm around your shoulders and you all walk into the woods.

"How far away is the lake?" Taylor asks. "A little ways more down this path," Cameron replies.

The boys and you continue to walk coming to a break in the path.

"Okay here we are," Cameron says taking off his shirt. The rest of the boys follow his lead. Soon all of the boys were naked and jumped into the lake. Hayes was the only one who didn't get into the water. Instead he stood next to you in nothing but his birthday suit.

"Y/N strip," Hayes says. "Hayes how about we make a deal. I'll get in after the boys get out. Okay?" you ask. "Fine but you don't know what you're missing," Hayes replies. "Oh I think I have an idea," you say watching as the boys wrestle in the water, "now go have your fun."

Hayes walks off to go into the water. Just as he passed you you smacked his butt. He turns around to smirk at you and you sat, "sorry you just have a really nice ass." "And it's all yours babe," Hayes adds.

He then jumps into the water.

You sit on the side of the lake dangling your feet into the cold water as you watch the boys splash around in it.

After a while the all of the boys expect Hayes come out of the water and walk over to you. "Hayes says it's time for a couples swim," Taylor says. "Okay," you reply hesitantly.

"We'll be waiting in the car," Cameron adds.

With that they all walk away grabbing their clothes.

"I guess here goes nothing," you say to yourself stripping off your clothes and heading into the water.

You swim off a bit looking for Hayes but you don't see him. Suddenly two big hands grab your hips and pull you against a hard muscular wall.

"I got a hold of you now and I don't intend to let go anytime soon," Hayes whispers in your ear his voice husky with lust.

"I wanted you so bad earlier but I had to wait. Now that I got you alone and you're naked I don't think I'll be able to contain myself any longer," he says nibbling on your ear lobe.

"Think of all the things I could do to you right here right now," you moan letting your imagination take over you, "yeah you like that don't you?" Hayes asks.

You quickly turn around in his arms jumping slightly as he picked you up. You wrap your legs around his torso and start to forcefully kiss him.

Hayes licks your bottom lip asking for entrance which you happily grant him. His tongue starts to explore your mouth as his hands rest on your butt. You hands tangle into his hair roughly pulling at the roots causing him to moan into the kiss.

Hayes detaches his puffy lips from yours and kisses down your neck and down your chest. He comes to a stop once he reaches your boobs. He sucks on each nipple slightly grazing his teeth over them in the process.

Missing the feeling of his lips on yours you pull his head back towards yours by his chin and once again connect your lips.

"Are you ready?" Hayes whispers breathlessly. "Yeah," you whisper back connecting your lips to his neck.

Hayes lines himself up with your entrance and sets you down on him. Letting out a loud moan you lay your head back with your eyes closed riding him.

He slowly and deeply thrusts into you taking you closer and closer to the edge. His thrusts start to become sloppy as he gets closer to cumming.

"Ha-hayes I t-think..." you trail off moaning. "Me too," Hayes says.

He gives a couple more thrusts then pulls out of you are cums into the water. Thick ropes of white appear floating around you two.

Hayes then sticks his fist into you pumping until you cum. Giving one last loud moan you climax all over his hand. He pulls out of you and holds you close to his chest. The only sounds that could be heard were the crickets chirping and the sound of both of your heavy breathing.

"Didn't I say you would love it in the end?" Hayes asks giving a small chuckle. "Yeah you did," you reply smiling.

You pull away from his embrace and give him a kiss on his lips.

"We should head back before the boys get suspicious," you say. "Princess with way you were moaning my name I would be surprised if they weren't already suspicious," Hayes says smirking.

"It's not my fault if you make me feel amazing during sex. That's on you," you reply. "Well I'm glad I made you feel amazing," Hayes says laughing.

"But seriously c'mon," you say swimming towards the shore. Hayes follows you.

When you get there you two put back on your clothes and walk back to the car hand in hand.

May 18 2017

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