Hayes Grier---Smut: Wet Dream

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Imagine sleeping over your boyfriend, Hayes Grier's, house.

"How'd you like the movie?" Hayes asks you as you two layed in his bed with his laptop resting in between you both. You were currently holding onto the blankets for dear life. "I told you I don't like scary movies and then you went a head and picked one out anyways. How does that make sense Hayes?" you ask sending him a death glare. He lets out a small chuckle. "I'm sorry I didn't think this movie was particularly that scary," he replies. "Mhmm sure," you say.

"Come here I'll protect you," he says moving the laptop to the nightstand and patting the spot next to him. "I'm good right here," you say. "Y/N stop being stubborn and come here," he says. "I said no Hay-" you're interrupted by Hayes wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head into the crook of your neck causing you to let out a scared squeal. "That's better," he says. "Hayes," you say slapping his chest, "let go of me." "I'm good right here," Hayes says copying. You from earlier.

The room becomes quite after that and all you hear are a few small snores coming from Hayes mouth. Realising that he had fallen asleep you take this as your chance to escape but when you try to wiggle free he quickly tightens his grip in his sleep making it impossible for you to get loose.

"I guess this is good night then," you whisper to yourself cuddling into Hayes chest and drifting off into a dream land.

Awoken suddenly from your slumber you hear Hayes moaning your name. You quickly try to sit up but are pulled back down by Hayes' arm that you had forgotten was wrapped around you.

"What now Hayes?" you ask rubbing your eyes. When you don't get a response you turn your head around to look at him and see that he is still asleep.

"Y/N baby that feels so good..." he moans again. "Umm," you let out a small awkward chuckle as Hayes continues to sleep.

Suddenly you feel something poke you in the leg. You shoot back up again this time getting out of Hayes grip.

Hayes rolls over onto his back the blanket he was laying under falling onto the floor in the process.

"Mmmm baby," Hayes moans. "Hayes what's goin-" you start to whisper but stop when you see a bulge in his joggers with a wet spot surrounding it.

You continue to stare at Hayes in shock as he continues to moan in his sleep.

His hand reached for his croch but you slapped it away putting your hand there instead. You didn't know why you had done it but you did.

You felt Hayes half hard member growing in you hand. You started to harshly grab at it sending Hayes into another sleep moaning fit.

After you felt it fully grow you slipped his joggers down and quickly wrapped your mouth around his length.

At this Hayes jolted awake scaring you. You quickly take your mouth back off of him as he stares at you with shock and confusion written all over his face.

"Y/N w-what were you d-doing?" Hayes stuttered. "Well um you see uh...you were moaning and I just umm..." you trail off looking everywhere in the room but at Hayes.

"Was I umm having a uhh w-wet dream or something?" Hayes asks looking down at his hardened member sticking straight into the air. "Y-Yeah you kinda were," you whisper.

"And were trying to umm," Hayes scratched the back of his neck, "to pleasure me?" You instantly blush at his question. Fortunately it was pitch black in the bedroom so Hayes couldn't see. "Y-Yes?" you say bit it comes out more like a question.

"Then why don't you continue? Just because I'm awake shouldn't stop you from having your fun," Hayes says smirking surprisingly not stuttering this time he spoke. "Y-Yeah okay. S-Sure," you whisper stuttering.

You take his member into your hand and began to pump up and down stroking it. You then put it back into your mouth sucking on it as Hayes throws his head back in pleasure.

Soon Hayes has your hair balled up into his fist and is face fucking you. All to soon he pulls out of your mouth and attaches his lips to yours.

Kissing you passionately he slips his hand into your pajama shorts and starts to rub you threw your panties.

You can't help but let out a couple moans that get covered up by Hayes lips on yours. Hayes takes this opportunity to put his tongue into your mouth.

Laying on top of you he takes off your shirt and wraps his lips around one of your nipples massaging your other boob with his one of his hands.

You continue to lay underneath him a moaning mess as he continues to pleasure you.

You tug on the hem of Hayes shirt and get takes it off followed by his pants and yours. Soon enough you are both completely naked.

"Y/N can we go all the way?" Hayes asks shyly. You swallow hard at his question but whisper, "yes."

Hayes stands up off the bed and starts to look threw his dresser drawer in the dark. "Got it," he says. "Got what?" you ask. The sound of foil ripping answers your question.

Hayes comes back to you and lays down beside you again. He then goes back to kissing you as he angles himself at your entrance.

"Tell me if I hurt you okay baby?" he says. "Okay," you whisper.

Hayes starts to push himself into you. A tear falls down your cheek as he continues to kiss you trying to take your mind off of the pain.

Once he got fully into you he stops and says, "are you okay?" "Yeah I am," you reply.

Giving you time to adjust he stokes your hair and whispers, "I love you Y/N. Always have. Always will." "I love you too Hayes," you whisper back.

"Okay move," you say almost in a moan.

Hayes starts to thrust in and out of you slowly but quickly picking up his pace and falling into a rhythm. Making you moan every time he hit your G spot.

You start to feel a tighting in your lower stomach. "H-Hayes I-I think.." you start to say but it's cut off by another moan. "Me too baby girl. Me too," he replies.

After a couple more thrusts both of you cum.

Hayes falls onto the bed besides you pulling you into his arms in the process.

"Best sex ever!" Hayes exclaims. "Yeah," you chuckle cuddling into Hayes chest again.

"I love you," Hayes says. "I love you too Hayzie boo," you reply. Hayes kisses your forehead and tightens his grip around you.

With that you both fall into a deep slumber once again.

May 17 2017

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