Hayes Grier---Smut: Hayes Needs You

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*This is also on my shared account so if you see this same imagine on 101Dark_Shadows101 it's okay I copied it from there.*

Imagine being at school.

"Y/N please. I need you," Hayes whined in a whisper.

Rolling your eyes you slightly turned your head to face him hoping not to get caught by the teacher. This was in no way a topic that you wanted him to over hear.

"Hayes come on can't you wait forty more minutes? School will be over then I promise I'll give you exactly what you need," you whisper. He let out a small moan listening to what you were saying. "Well when you talk like that how on earth do you expect me to wait?" Hayes asks.

"Fine I give in. Just no more moaning in class okay?" you ask. "Deal," he says.

You raise your hand and wait for the teacher to call on you. "Yes Ms. Y/L/N?" he asks. "May I go to the restroom?" you ask already knowing the whole plan that Hayes had come up with earlier in the year.

"Yes you may," he answers. He then goes back to teaching the lesson.

You quickly stand up and walk out of the classroom. Hurriedly you walk into the employee bathroom hoping to not get caught by any teachers.

When you finally make it in there you let out a loud sigh. "He better hurry up. School is gonna be over in thirty minutes, and I don't feel like staying here doing this after school is over," you say to yourself.

As if the universe granted your wish the bathroom door opened to reveal a smirking Hayes.

He shut and locked the door then slowly walked towards you. He normally sky blue eyes were now a light gray with lust.

"I want you on your knees now!" he growled. You knew better than to disobey him so you instantly dropped to your knees.

His strong built sculpture towered over you as he looked down at you. "You know what I want you to do," he says.

Complying immediately you started to palm his already half hard member threw the thin material of his joggers and boxers. He starts to moan a little as you grab it more harshly.

"Okay that's enough," he says taking your hand away from his body. He then pulls down his pants and boxers making his length slap up and hit his lower stomach. He lets out a low groan.

Knowing what he wanted you to do you wrap your hand around his member stroking it up and down. You then ran your tumb over the tip where some pre-cum was leaking out.

Leaning towards his length you give it a couple cat licks teasing him. "I've had enough of your teasing Y/N. I said I need you and I mean I need you now," Hayes growled.

You then wrap your mouth around him sucking hard. He moans in pleasure as you hollow out your cheeks.

Pulling off of him you say, "be quite. No one can know we are in here doing this." "It's really hard to be quite when a gorgeous girl is sucking my dick," he says. "Well you better try or I will stop," you reply looking at him with one of your serious faces. "Fine just continue," he says letting out a small whine afterwards.

You quickly wrap your mouth around his member again letting it go all the way down your throat so that his tip could touch the back of your throat. His hips quiver as he takes your hair in his hand holding on tightly. He bites his bottom lip attempting to hold in his moans.

You feel him start to twitch in your mouth and you pull back off of him some so he could cum in your mouth. When he does you look up at him and stare into his eyes then swallow it.

"Fuck baby girl that was so sexy," he says. You pull up his boxers and pants in one motion as you stand up on your feet.

He kisses your lips passionately slipping his tongue into your mouth tasting himself off of you. When you finally pull away out of breath you whisper to him, "next time try to wait forty minutes."

"No can do baby girl. When I need you I need you," he replies. You roll your eyes and walk over to the bathroom door.

"Now we should probably get back to class before everyone gets curious as to where we've gone," you open the door and peak your head out, "okay no one's around c'mon."

You leave the bathroom first, with Hayes trailing a couple yards behind you, and make your way back to the classroom.

A/N: I know this is horrible. It was my first time writing smut so what can I say.

May 17 2017

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