Shawn Mendes---Picture Imagine: Special Girl?

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Interviewer: So Shawn we all want to know if there's a special girl out there?

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Interviewer: So Shawn we all want to know if there's a special girl out there?

Shawn: Umm hahaha yeah there is but umm I don't think she knows I even exist.

Interviewer: Huh? How can there be a single girl out there who doesn't know you exist?

Shawn: She doesn't pay that much attention to celebrities. The only response I even know about her is because we kinda ran into each other getting coffee one day. I spilled piping hot coffee all over her. I then helped her clean up and let her wear my jacket to cover the stain. We sat there in the coffee shop and must have talked for hours about nothing at all. She doesn't see me as the Shawn Mendes and maybe that's what I like so much about her.

Interviewer: Awww isn't that the cutest story ever? We'll you better tell her because it sounds like she might be interested in you too.

Shawn: Hahaha yeah maybe.

Interviewer: Well thank you Shawn for coming in.

Shawn: No problem. Thank you for having me.

Interviewer: It was our pleasure. We hope you will do another interview with us soon.

Shawn: Yes definitely. 

April 25 2017

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