Hayes Grier ( Requested Smut )

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*Requested by Imthebae101. Hope you enjoy! *

He get jealous and punishes the reader.
Imagine being in a library.

Weird setting I know but just go with it.

"What is the sixteenth amendment?" you ask Hayes. He taps his fingers against the wooden desk you two were sitting at. "Umm pizza?" Hayes asks looking at you with a goofy smile as you send him a death glare. "Hayes focus. You need to know this stuff to pass the final," you say.

"Can we at least take a small break so I can use the bathroom?" he asks giving you  puppy dog eyes. "Fine just don't take to long," you reply rolling your eyes. "Thank you baby girl," he says kissing your cheek then ran off in the direction of the bathroom.

Going back to writing down more material that you had to teach Hayes you don't notice when a tall brunette haired boy stands next to you until he clears his throat. You immediately snap your head up to look at him.

"Can I help you?" you ask politely. "Yeah actually I was wondering if you knew of any nice restaurants nearby?" he asks.

"There's a pretty nice looking McDonald's just down the street from here," you say putting down the pencil you were holding.

"Oh cool thanks. I'm Cameron," the boy says sticking out his hand for you to shake. "Y/N," you say smiling. You take his hand in yours and give it a firm shake. "Nice hand shake," Cameron says smiling. "Yours isn't that bad either," you replies.

"Umm well Y/N would you want to maybe company me to this nice McDonald's?" he asks shuffling nervously from side to side. "I can't. I have a boyfriend," you say.

The smile on Cameron's face immediately falls and he runs a hand threw his hair. "Yeah sorry. Should have guessed a beautiful girl like you would have a boyfriend. Sorry for wasting your time. See ya," Cameron awkwardly says then walks away.

You chuckle to yourself and pick back up the pencil you were holding jotting down more notes. Suddenly a tall shadow looms over you making you turn your head.

"Hayes there you are. What took so long?" you ask smiling. "Family bathroom now," is all he says. Then he walks away back towards the bathrooms. You smile fades away as a confused look crosses your face instead.

You stand up shoving all of the books into your book bag and follow Hayes to the bathroom.

Once you got there you didn't see Hayes but you noticed that the family bathroom was shut. Nervously you walk up to the door and lightly knocked on it. The bathroom opened slightly while a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the one person bathroom.

Immediately your back is pressed up against the door with someone's body on the other side of you holding you there. The bathroom was pitch black but you already knew who that person was without having to ask.

"Hayes what are you doing? Let me go," you say struggling to break free. "Hayes? This isn't Hayes right now.  This is daddy baby girl. Don't you remember my touch?" Hayes says running his hand down the front part of your body causing you to shiver.

"Hayes stop I'm not in the mood for this right now. You need to be studying," you say pushing him off of you. He stumbles backwards slightly but regains his balance and moves back to his original spot only this time pushing against you harder.

"No I'm not gonna stop. You need to be taught a lesson on why not to flirt with random boys," Hayes says attaching his lips to your neck. He quickly finds your sweet spot and starts to suck on it determined to leave a mark.

"Is this what that's about Hayes he was a stupid boy that-" you start to say but are cut of by Hayes voice.

"Daddy doesn't want to hear anything come out of your mouth. You will take whatever he gives to you whether it's pain or pleasure. Okay? Okay," Hayes says pulling off your shirt and your pants.

Knowing that there was no way to make Hayes calm down after he got like this you stand there waiting to see what he had planned for you.

After he got your pants pulled off he growls, "Why aren't you wearing any underwear? Where you planning on letting that boy know? You are a really naughty girl. You are gonna get punishment so bad that you won't be able to walk for weeks."

Once you were fully naked and standing in the dark bathroom you suddenly felt something cold at your entrance scaring you which caused you to jump away from Hayes' grip.

"No get back here," Hayes says getting a hold of you again. He firmly grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him.

"Daddy was saving this as a treat for later but he's gonna have to use it now as punishment," Hayes says making you swallow hard.

Once again the cold object touches your entrance using all your strength you had left you hold your body still as it's forced inside you.

Realizing that it was cold metal water bottle you started to relax but not for long because Hayes started to quickly pump it in and out of you.

You bite your lip hoping that it would help you hold in your moans you start to taste the saltiness of blood on your tongue. Not being able to contain yourself any longer you start to moan, "Da-" "Daddy said he didn't want to hear anything," Hayes says taking out the water bottle and replacing it with this member.

He slams himself into you as you stand there shaking out of pain and pleasure.

He continues to forcefully thrust into you as he nibbles on your sweet spot.

"Mine. You're mine Y/N nobody else's. Do understand that? Let me know you understand that," Hayes says. "Y-Yes da-daddy I und-understand," you moan. "Good because you're mine," he grunts.

You start to feel an all to familiar tightness in your lower stomach. "Da-Daddy I-I'm gonna cum," you moan out. "Do it cum for daddy," Hayes says. With that you reach your climax and let your juices go all over Hayes.

He gives a few more powerful thrusts the takes himself out of you. "Knees now!" Hayes says.

Obediently you drop to your knees wincing at the pain in your core and Hayes shoves his length into your mouth. Grabbing your hair in his hand he starts to face fuck you.

You feel him start to twitch in your mouth and he releases his load into it. "Swallow," Hayes says. You swallow his load as it leaves a salty taste in your mouth.

"Get your clothes on. We're leaving," Hayes says throwing your clothes at you. You try to stand up but fall back down. Hayes helps you stand up and put your clothes on. Then he puts on your book bag and picks you up bridal style.

He opens the door to reveal people looking at you with concerned looks.

"What haven't you ever seen two teenagers after they had sex?" Hayes asks walking passed them and threw the doors of the library.

He takes you to his car and gently sets you down in it as you once again wince in pain.

After he had gotten in the driver's seat you say, "why did you say that you were saving the water bottle for a treat later?" "Oh umm it has ________ ( fill in the blank with your favorite drink ) in it cause I know how much you like it," Hayes replies smiling. "Got it," you say nodding.

"You know what else you need to get if you haven't by now?" Hayes asks. "Mmmm," you hum. "You are mine," Hayes growls. You pat his leg and say, "I got that to baby boy."

May 18 2017

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