Matthew Espinosa ( Requested )

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* Requested by CaliKK1216. Hope you enjoy! *

I'm doing homework and he won't leave me alone.
"Finally! Schools over!" Matthew exclaims falling down on your bed on his back. "It is, but some of us aren't as lucky as you. Some of us actually have teachers who give us homework," you say. You walk over to the small desk in your bedroom, put your backpack on the floor, and sit down in the wooden chair. "It isn't my fault that I got the best teachers in the whole school," he says smiling.

You roll your eyes and continue to grab out all of your homework. You had just started to begin on the first assignment for English when you heard a loud thud.

You quickly turn around to find several of your books on your bookshelf laying on the floor. "What happened?" you ask. "I was trying to reach the book that you keep on the top shelf that has all of those pictures of dogs dressed up in adorable costumes and knocked a couple other books off by accident," he says. He continues to stand there looking at you with the book in his hands.

"Well can you please pick up the books that fell and put them back?" you ask. "Yeah sorry forgot about that for a second," he says. He squats down and grabs the fallen books. You turn your attention back to your homework.

After putting the books away Matthew pulls up another chair to the desk and sits next to you. He takes a candy bar out of his backpack and begins to eat it while looking threw the book.

"Awww! The dog is dressed like a dinosaur. So cute! Y/N do you remember when we were younger and we always pretend to be dinosaurs?" Matthew asks you. "Of course I remember my Mattosaurs," you say smiling. "Y/N," he whined, "you know I hate it when you call me that," he says. "No you love it," you say. He narrows his eyes at you but then continues to look threw the book.

You had just finished your English work when Matthew said something to you. "What did you say?" you ask. "I asked if you had any snacks because I feel like my stomach is eating itself," he asks. "How are you hungry? Didn't you just eat a candy bar?" you ask. "Yeah I did captain obvious, but I still need more food," he says sarcastically.  "My mom just went shopping there's some food down stairs in the-" you start to say but don't get to finish because he had already ran out of your room. "Grab me something too," you yell after him.

You start on your math homework as you wait for your snack. Matthew comes back up caring loads of food. "Do you really expect us to eat all of that food before dinner?" you ask him. He looks at you for a second before saying, "yup." You roll your eyes but grab the bag of chips and start to munch on them.

You go back to working on your math homework, but are interrupted by Matthew once again. "Do you think that crabs think fish fly?" he asks. "What?" you ask. "Do you think that crabs think fish fly?" he asks again.

You look at him with a blank expression then say, "how does that relate to anything that's going on right now?" "What so it's okay for a girl to randomly say something weird, but a guy can't?" he asks. You open your mouth to speak but close it deciding not to argue about it.

"Why do you think that crabs think fish fly?" you ask. "Well think about it crabs can't swim. They can only walk on the floor of the ocean. Crabs also see different types of birds fly threw the air when they're on the land. So do crabs think fish fly?" he asks. You look at him confused. "That's a really good point. I really don't know," you say.

"I thought you were the smart one," he says. "I would be but you keep bothering me while I'm trying to learn," you say. He rolls his eyes and says, "fine I'll go down stairs and play on your Xbox while you finish." He gets up and heads for your bedroom door.

"But don't take to long because I want to whip your butt at Just Dance," he says. "In your dreams. You know I'm a boss at that game," you say. "You wish," he calls walking away.

"Finally some peace and quiet so I can finish my homework," you say looking back at your math homework.

April 9 2017

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