Shawn Mendes---Smut: Behave Yourself

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Imagine being in you and your boyfriend, Shawn Mendes's room.

"Shawn!" you yell from where you were currently standing shirtless by your closet. "Yeah darling?" Shawn asks coming into the room and standing next to you. He wraps his arms around your waist and leans his head on your shoulder.

"Have you seen my brand new navy crop top? You know the one I wore to meet Aaliyah," you ask. "Have you checked the top rack?" he asks. "No good idea," you say.

You wiggle out of Shawn's grasp and stand on your tiptoes trying to see the top of the rack. "I see it," you exclaim. You reach your hand up almost falling in the process as you  grab it off of the hanger.

"Next house we are not going to get a closet that has shelves that are so high," you say turning around to face Shawn again who had backed up a bit. Shawn looks you up and down and says, "I don't mind them. I kinda like the view I get when you're trying to reach the top shelf."

"Behave yourself Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. We don't have enough time for that right now. You mister have to get ready to go into the studio. So shoo," you say.

Shawn walks over to you and grabs your hips tightly slamming your body against his forcefully.

"Maybe I don't want to behave right now. Maybe daddy wants to have some fun," he whispers in your ear his voice low and deep.

"Well daddy can have his fun later. Right now he needs to finish getting dressed just like I need to also," you say but Shawn wasn't listening to you.

He had his hands on the clasp of your bra and quickly undid it letting it fall to the ground. He then pulled down your pants and panties in one swift motion.  When he was done undressing you he took a step back and looked at you.

"How did I get so lucky to find such a beautiful girlfriend?" he says more to himself then you.

"Shawn that was the complete opposite of getting dressed," you say ignoring his question and bending down to get your clothes off of the floor.

"Baby girl daddy does not want you to even touch your clothes. If you do you will be punished," Shawn growls.  Not wanting to be punished your hand immediately stops going farther to the ground. 

"Good girl. Now stand back up and come here," he says. Doing as told you walk over to Shawn swinging your hips in the process.

Once you're standing in front of him he picks you up and tosses you on the bed. He then takes off his shirt and climbs on top of you.

"You listened to daddy and that was good. So now he's going to reward you," Shawn says.

He leans down and kisses your lips roughly as his hands trail down your body and to your core. He runs his hands down your thighs then back up.   Shawn then starts to press hard circles against your clit.

Buckling up your hips as pleasure fills your body you let out a loud moan.

"Say my name," Shawn whispers nibbling on your ear lobe. "Sh-Shawn!" you moan. "Good girl," he says.

He then kisses down your jawline and down your neck. He leaves open mouthed kisses down your chest and stomach while looking you in the eyes.

Once Shawn reaches your heat he softly presses a kiss against it then wraps his lips around your clit sticking three fingers into you at the same time. He sucks on you while pumping his fingers in you finding a rhythm.

Moaning you close your eyes and tangle your fingers into his thick brown curls putting his face closer to you.

As soon as you start to feel a familiar tightness in your stomach everything that was being done to you stops. You immediately open your eyes to see Shawn standing by your closet with his back facing you.

"Shawn," you whine in a needy voice, "why'd you stop?" "Because I want to try something new," he says turning around.

You look at him confused when you see him carrying a vibrator while walking towards you.

"Umm Shawn we've used one of those before so that's nothing new," you say. "Well I got a new idea for it," he says.

He quickly takes off his pants and boxers revealing his hardened member. Then he grabs a condom out of the nightstand and puts it on.

"Okay brace yourself," Shawn says. "Why do I need to-" you sentence is interrupted by a moan as Shawn slams himself into you.

Not giving you time to adjust he starts to move inside you with long deep thrusts.

Suddenly you feel something at your butts entrance and the vibrator is shoved into you also. Shawn turns it on and lets out a loud moan obviously liking the new feeling himself.

Your eyes roll back and you arch your back as you turn into a moaning mess.

Shawn's thrust start to get sloppier as you reach your climax. Without warning you cum all over Shawn.

Shawn thrusts a couple more times into you then cums into the condom. He pulls himself and the vibrator out of you then collapses onto the bed right next to you out of breath. He wraps his arms around your waist and cuddles his body against yours.

"I like that new idea," you say once you had caught your breath. "Yeah me too," Shawn replies.

"Okay now that you had your fun will you please go get dressed?" you ask. "But baby I like cuddling with you," Shawn says burying his head deeper into your neck. "Now Shawn. We're already running late," you say forcefully.

Groaning he let's go of you and gets out of bed.

"I like how you just went all dominant on me baby but let's save that for round two later," Shawn says with a wink.

"Behave Shawn!" you say. He lets out a small laugh while walking out of the room and calls back into it saying, "yes ma'am." "Finally he says he'll behave," you whisper.

May 18 2017

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