Shawn Mendes--Smut: Teasing At Work

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Imagine being at you and your boyfriend, Shawn Mendes' s, house.
You were currently sitting in you and your boyfriend, Shawn Mendes, shared bedroom.

Shawn had to work later then usual tonight at the studio and it real sucked for you because tonight you just happened to be really needy.

Suddenly an idea came to you. You stood up off of the bed and walked towards your dresser. Picking put a black lace bra and matching thong you slipped off your clothes and slid on the set of lingerie.

You then walk back towards your bed taking your phone off of the nightstand. You layed back onto the bed. You quickly unlocked your phone and went to the camera.

You moved your hair to one side and layed on the bed. Your knees were slightly bent as you snapped a picture sexy picture of yourself.

You then went to Shawn's contact name in your phone and sent the photo to him with a caption that read 'I really need you baby. Please come home soon 😍."

Within seconds you heard your phone make a loud beep. You grabbed it off of the bed read the message that Shawn had sent you. "You better wait for daddy now. No touching yourself."

You frowned at your phone. He thought you were planning on touching yourself when that was not at all what you wanted. You wanted him and only him.

"I don't want to touch myself daddy. I want you to touch me." you text him deciding to play with him.

You smile to yourself all until you see his next text. "Oh you will be getting that a ton tonight. Now daddy wants you to lay on the bed and wait for him to get home. He'll be there soon."

You grow even wetter than before as you reread the text several times. Then you lay down on the bed.

Time passed quickly as you imagined all of the things Shawn could do to you when he got home.

Suddenly you heard the front door being loudly swong open from downstairs taking you away from your thoughts. Loud footsteps then sounded coming up the stairs.

All of a sudden you saw Shawn standing in the bedroom doorway looking at you.

"You've been a bad girl Y/N. Teasing daddy is something that you will regret," he says his voice deep and husky.

He then walks over to you still dressed and climbs on top of you kissing your lips hungrily.

His hands traveled down your body then back up it again. He bit your bottom lip bringing it between his teeth causing you to flinch. His tongue quickly dart out soothing the sting.

His lips travel down your neck to your sweet spot and he starts to suck on it. You let out a moan as he blew on the freshly made bruise.

He suddenly stops and stands up walking over to the dresser where he grabs a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold. He then slowly walks back to you smirking.

"Now daddy was nice to you. He let you moan. But daddy isn't feeling as generous now. He doesn't want to her anything come out of that pretty mouth of yours. Okay?" Shawn asks.

You quickly nod your in response. "Good," he says.

With that he finishes the walk back to the bed and handcuffs your wrists together making sure that you couldn't touch him or yourself. Then he wraps the blindfold around your head. "Can you see anything?" he asks you. You shake your head. "Good," he says once again.

Shawn slips off your thong and bra and you suddenly feel his hot breath against the inside of your thighs making you squirm not knowing exactly what he had planned for you.

Suddenly his tongue flicked out and touched your clit. After doing that several more times you felt his tongue suddenly fully enter you. Biting your lip to hold back a moan your hips buckled up.

Shawn's hands pushed them back down and says to you, "daddy wants your hips pressed against the bed. Not in his face."

He harshly pressed them back down then went back to eating you out.

Holding in several moans while trying to keep your hips down all the time wishing that you could touch Shawn in some way was torture and of course Shawn knew that.

Finally your body couldn't take the pleasure anymore and your body started to quiver underneath him.

"Say my name baby," Shawn whispered.

"Daddy!" you moaned out while riding out your high as Shawn continued to eat you out.

Shawn then took the blindfold off of you and you saw your juices running down his face which made you all the more wetter.

"Daddy's gonna take off the handcuffs but don't touch anything," he says. With that Shawn quickly undid the handcuffs. Using all your power left you kept your hands by your sides as you watched Shawn take off all of his clothes and put on a condom.

When he was fully naked and had the condom on properly he layed on top of you pressing his body against yours making a loud moan escape your lips at the feeling.

"Now you may touch daddy," he says. As if your hands had a mind of their own they started to move around Shawn's body feeling every part of him.

Suddenly you feel the tip of his member against your entrance then he slammed into you making your back arch up and a moan leave your lips.

"Daddy doesn't want to hear anything," Shawn growled into your ear.

You bit your lip to the point of where you could taste the saltiness of blood as he continued to thrust in and out of you.

"Now tell the whole world who is making you feel so good," Shawn screamed.

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes is making me feel this good," you yelled as loud as Shawn had.

His thrusts began to get sloppier signaling he was close to cumming.

"On the count of three baby girl," he says. "One, two, three." You both reach your climaxes at the same time.

Shawn falls onto bed next to you wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head into the crook of your neck.

"Don't ever tease daddy again while he's at work," he whispers sleepy. With that both of you passed out.

Little did he know that you were already planning the next time that you would.

A/N: Well there's that...yup. I cringed a lot while writing this 😂 lol.

May 17 2017

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