Shawn Mendes ( Requested )

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* Requested by MendesMuffinCookies. Hope you enjoy! *

He is your best friend and he has feelings for you.
"Come on Y/N. For me?" Shawn your best friend since you were a little kid begged sticking out his bottom lip and giving you puppy dog eyes.

He had been begging you to go to his friend Cameron's birthday party for weeks now, but you kept avoiding actually giving him an answer. You  hated high school partys. They were always filled with drunk teenagers doing stupid things.

"If I say yes will you do all of my history homework for the rest of this month?" you inquired.

He narrowed his eyes at you. "I'll do it but you have to have the best night of your life and not sit in the corner and isolate yourself from everyone," he says. You stick your hand out and Shawn takes it in his giving you a firm handshake. "Deal," you reply.

Afterwards you turn around and close your locker. "Hope you enjoy doing my project on the American Revolution," you say walking away. "Wait you didn't say anything about doing a project," Shawn calls after you. "You agreed on doing it all," you call over your shoulder to him. "But-never mind," he mumbles.

You smile to yourself knowing that you had outsmarted him once again.

Later that night after school Shawn is over at your house.

"How long does it take a girl to get ready?" he yells. You were currently putting the finishing touches on your makeup. "Give me a second," you call as he pounds on the bathroom door.

"Dang this boy doesn't like to wait," you whisper to yourself. "I heard that. And quite frankly I don't," he says. "Well beauty takes time," you reply opening the door.

Shawn immediately stands in the doorway blocking your way out. He looks you up and down causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.

"Sh-Shawn what are you doi-" you start to say but are cut off by Shawn attaching his lips to yours.

You stand there shocked for a few seconds before you start to move your lips in sync with his. He runs his hands down your sides to place his hands on your hips bringing you closer to him. You do just the opposite running your hands up to tangle them in his hair.

His tongue asks for permission to enter your mouth by licking your bottom lip, but you decide to wait a little bit longer before giving into him. When you don't allow Shawn entrance right away he lightly squeezes your hips causing you to gasp. He takes that opportunity to get the accesses he had been seeking.

Smirking into the kiss his tongue begins to explore your mouth as you do the same to him.

Out of breath you pull away. His lips try to follow yours, but you put your hand on his chest stopping him. Shawn gives a slight groan out of frustration.

"What was that for?" you ask him. He looks into your eyes still holding onto your hips. "That was for being in love with you since fifth grade," he replies.

You stand there shocked not knowing what to say or do.

"Y/N? Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" he asks. You continue to look at him but break out laughing a couple seconds later ruining the moment.

Shawn looks at you confused and says, "never mind it was a stupid question." He turns to walk away, but you grab his arm pulling him back to you.

You wrap your arms around his torso and give him a long hug as he rests his chin on your head. "I thought you would never ask that's why I laughed. I just didn't know how to respond," you say.

"How would you respond now that you got that laughter out?" he asks you. You can hear traces belonging to one of his famous smirks in his voice. You knew it was there because he could tell how you were going to answer. "I would love to be your girlfriend Shawn," you say.

You immediately feel his arms tighten around you and lift you into the air. Letting out a small squeal you slap him lightly on the chest. "Put me down muffin man," you say.

He sets you back down onto the ground and gives your lips a quick peck.

"Now come on. We don't want to be late for the party. Plus I can't wait to show off my new girlfriend to everyone," he says pulling you down the stairs, threw the door, and outside to his car.

Hey everyone! I hoped you liked this update. I've never written anything like this before so I hope it was good.

I was watching the newest episode of The Fosters while I wrote this and lets just say that writing this and watching that show did not miss well. I'm in tears from all of the feelings belonging to both of them.

April 12 2017

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