My responsibility now

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Prompt - Well in that case here's my prompt. Luke and Nathan are dating, all of the boys know but the media doesn't. So Luke comes up with a bunch of rules for Nath (No smoking, no drinking, eating healthy) but he decides to break one of them. Nath goes to the park and light up a cigarette. Luke finds him and tells him he's gonna get spanked just when a camera shows up so they drop it for the moment. Nath thinks he's off hook, until they get to his place and Luke lays him across his lap for a good spanking. Love your stories so much!


Ever since Nathan and Luke came out to their bandmates, both bands had been really supporting of the two little ones. While both bands had been very happy for the two boys, it was no surprise when The Wanted boys warned 5sos's Luke to be careful with their little Nath. But Luke had promised them that he would take care of Nathan. And that's exactly what Luke did. He not only loved Nathan, he also took care of the boy and made sure that that his boy doesn't misbehave.

Nathan had been very shocked when he saw Luke's stern side. The boys were having a little get together when Siva scolded Nathan. "Nathan, get some veggies on that plate too." Siva said when he noticed that the boy wasn't really eating healthily. Nathan stuck his tongue out at Siva but hadn't expected Luke to gently pat his thigh and whisper, "Healthy eating, Nath! Balance that meal, get some veggies." "You heard your boyfriend buddy" Tom gently reminded the boy. Still staring at Luke, Nathan hesitantly filled his plate with some veggies all while wondering when the heck Luke got so stern with him.

After that incident, Nathan seemed to be seeing more of Luke's stern side. Luke would scold him, Luke would remind him of the boys' rules which Luke seemed to have memorized. And that's when Nathan started getting curious if Luke would punish him. That's why he decided to started testing the limits. While Luke tried his best to let go of the small misbehaving incidents, he definitely lost his cool when Nathan decided to break one of the big rules. And that was definitely one of the thing for which he was going to find himself over Luke's lap.

Luke and Nathan had gone to the park and at one point Luke had excused himself to go take a call and when he returned, Nathan was smoking. Luke was absolutely fuming as he walked up to Nathan. "You're in serious trouble" Luke hissed. He was about to grab Nathan's arms but stopped short in doing so when he noticed somebody with the camera. He sighed as he faked a smile. They hadn't come out to anybody except their friends and family so they needed to beware of the media. Not wanting to give anything out, Luke mumbled at Nathan to just walk till the car. From there, it had been a silent ride back home.

As soon as they got home, Luke ignored the boys who were in the kitchen as he pulled Nathan over his lap. "You can't do this" Nathan tried to argue. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't do this. I care about you" Luke simply said before starting the spanking.


Smoking is strictly not allowed to you


You know that


It could mess with your asthma


I don't know what's gotten in you


But this stops now


Luke ended the spanking, wincing when Nathan threw himself in his arms. "I'm sorry." The boy apologized, "I really didn't think that you will spank me." The boy added. That's when Luke realized what he had just done. "I really didn't want things to come to this. Shit, I haven't even asked for permission from your guardians" Luke said. Sighing, Luke tightened his hug as he looked up to see the boys looking at him.

"And the guardians give you full permission" Tom said. "As long as it is for Nathan's good" Siva added. "And if Nathan's at fault" Max pointed out. "No over doing it and no funny business" Jay reminded the boy. "Absolutely Sirs" Luke gave them a salute and a wink. "Don't like this deal" Nathan whined. "Shush you" Luke whispered, rubbing Nathan's back. After all, Nathan was Luke's responsibility now.


Dedicated to Psparkle022!

Very sorry for the lack of update and disappearing on you people last week.

Was badly sick! But I'm back now.

Thank you to those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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