Latest obsession

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Prompt - Anyway, I was wondering if you write one were Nathan get over obsessed with something and that's all he does. He ends up ignoring the boys when they tell him to do something same and he gets a small spanking but that makes him think that they don't care about what he's obsessing over, so he starts to misbehaviors even more and gets a big spanking. During his spanking, he tells them why he was acting like he was. Fluffy ending. Thanks


Max had actually been regretting having gifted Nathan a camera just two weeks in. The boy was so obsessed with the thing that he would always carry it around. Nathan was always taking pictures of something or another. It actually was starting to get very irritating for the boys since instead of helping out with the chores or focus on the band things, Nathan would rather roam around with his camera. And it was all going to end up in someone's bottom being sore.

Nathan had loved the gift from Max. He never knew that he had a liking for photography but ever since he got the camera, Nathan had drowned himself in the world of photography. If he liked something, he would take a picture of it and just cherish the moment. In doing so, he started neglecting his usual chores and would often ignore the tasks he'd been asked to do. He had been told to clean up his room but the boy was instead sitting at his window and clicking pictures of one of the stray cats roaming close to their house. He had been so lost in taking photos that he never saw Tom coming in his room but he did feel himself being pulled over the man's lap.


Weren't you supposed to be cleaning your room?


It was just a small spanking, mainly, to remind the boy about the chore but still Tom found himself with an arm full of a crying boy. "Was just taking pictures" Nathan sobbed still holding his camera. "You can take pictures later but right now just get on with the task that you were supposed to be doing" Tom told the boy. "But my pictures?" Nathan whined. "Do you want to go for a second round over my lap?" Tom asked. Nathan shook his head and started cleaning his room.

It wasn't going to be a onetime thing though. Many times the boys had to remind Nathan to do the chores assigned to him or just focus on what they were doing instead of fidgeting with his camera. And it didn't take long for Nathan to start believing that the boys were just not interested in his passion for photography. He tried a lot to show them his pictures and all but it was never the right time and no one had looked interested enough. That's when the boy decided to start acting out.

For the next few days, Nathan had been an absolute little pest. He wouldn't listen to the boys. He got himself in trouble easily. He'd been pulled sideways for small spankings a lot. But he still wouldn't let go of his camera. Finally, Jay had had enough of the boy and snatched the camera from the boy. But what he wasn't ready for was for Nathan to start fighting him. "Give me my camera back" Nathan yelled. "Don't shout. It's your time to do your dishes. Finish them and I'll give you your camera" Jay calmly explained but instead he got pushed by the boy. "Nathan, you just didn't do that" Siva scolded the boy in disbelief. It didn't take long for Max to just pull the boy over his lap.


I'm tired of that attitude of yours.


Always dragging your camera around when we have work to do.


Then pushing people just because they touched your camera.


You need to get a grip on your attitude


Or else you're in for a longer punishment.


Max ended the spanking as he pulled Nathan in a cuddle, rubbing his back to calm the boy down. He got a bit worried when the boy wasn't calming down. "Calm down buddy. You made a mistake but it's all done down" Siva tried to soothe the boy. The boy mumbled something and went quiet again. "What was that?" Max prompted the boy. "Nobody is interested in my pictures. I just wanted to take some pretty pictures and show you all" Nathan sobbed. "Oh buddy" Jay sighed. "Nath, it's not that we're not interested. It's just that it was the wrong time. You can't keep taking pictures or come show us the pictures when we're busy or doing something important. You get us, buddy?" Tom explained. Nathan nodded, pouting a bit. Max chuckled at the boy before saying, "get your camera and show us those pictures."

Still sat cuddled in Max's lap, Nathan showed them the pictures he had taken. He felt better now that the boys were taking an interest in his latest obsession but he also knew that he had to lay low with such obsessions if he didn't want to end up with a sore bottom often.


Dedicated to the_kimberly_show!

Thank you to those reading.

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P.S – Very sorry for lack of updates but life has been a bit hectic lately. Bear with me until I get some free time, the updates are going to be a bit slow.

xx Hailey

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