No talking to strangers

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Prompt - Can you do one where Nathan gets caught sneaking out and one of the boys follow him and see that Nathan was smoking and drinking with people he shouldn't be with.? Please thanks 😊


Nathan had one big problem. He was a good kid but he gets into trouble very easily. It was perhaps why the boys were so protective of the younger one. Disciplining him seemed to be a good idea as it made the boy think before doing something that could get him in trouble. But still, somehow Nathan attracts trouble or should we say, trouble attracts Nathan. More than often, Nathan lets people misguide him and no matter how much the boy told him that strangers would get you in trouble, the boy hadn't really understood it.

This time it had been the guys that were working with the boys for the shooting of the video for their new songs. Even the boys had noticed that these guys weren't really the type of people, they'd hang out with but professionally, they were good so The Wanted boys couldn't really do anything about it. They had been worried about these guys getting a bit too close to Nathan and had very protectively always stood by Nathan's side. They did understand though that they'd not always be able to stay by Nathan's side which is why they had warned Nathan about not getting too close to the guys. But of course, Nathan was going to let himself be tempted.

Tom and Max had noticed how the three boys Jack, Andre and Cole had been wandering around Nathan. Siva had tried reminding Nathan about the rule of not talking to strangers but all he got was a glare from the boy who didn't appreciate that rule. Jay had tried telling Nathan that those boys looked like trouble but Nathan couldn't really understand why the boys didn't like these guys. After all, he found them nice. Jack, Andre and Cole were really cool. They always joked around with him and treated him as an equal and not as a kid like the boys do. But that was actually their plan. Nathan didn't really understand it.

Jack, Andre and Cole were trouble and all they did were instigate Nathan against the boys. While Jack always told Nathan about how his bandmates thought of him as only a child, Andre would often try to be the cool friend and Cole, on the other hand, he led Nathan to trouble. Like on an afternoon, they led Nathan on sneaking out from backstage to join them outside. "They'll never know" Jack had told him. "Are you really so much of a baby that you need their permission to even go take some air outside?" Cole taunted him. "No. I don't need their permission" Nathan shouted. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go" Andre said.

Nathan did exactly that. He sneaked out, without letting the boys know and joined the guys outside as he followed them to where trouble was actually waiting for him. Nathan knew that he had already done one thing wrong by sneaking out but he did try not to be tempted by the boys smoking and drinking around him. "You want one?" Cole asked him. "Come on, just one puff" Andre tried forcing the boy. Nathan took one puff of it and it irritated his lungs, he immediately returned the cigarette back to the boys but they were not satisfied yet. "Come on, take a drink" Cole said trying to get Nathan to drink the alcoholic drink but Nathan knew he shouldn't and he tried refusing but the boys were getting forceful now as they tried to shove the drink down his throat when suddenly the bottle was snatched from Cole. "Max" Nathan nearly sobbed out of relief, nearly forgetting in how much trouble he was.

Max had seen Nathan following the three guys and instead of stopping Nathan, he signaled to the others as they quietly followed Nathan outside. They watched as the boys were trying to force Nathan to smoke but Max had been unable to stop himself from walking up to them when he saw them trying to forcefully make Nathan drink. "He came with us. We didn't force him" Cole tried to justify. "Just leave" Tom shouted at them and the boys hurried away without much of a fight. Max was still fuming with anger as he turned to Nathan but Nathan surprised them by throwing himself in Max's arms, sobbing. "You're not getting out of this" Max said, even as he wrapped his arms around Nathan to comfort him.

Once they got back inside, Max wasted no time in pulling Nathan over his lap.


What have we said about not talking to strangers?


We told you that these guys aren't good people


But you still sneaked out to go with them


You even smoked with them


You saw how they were trying to get you to drink


I don't care about how tempting it was


You know better than doing such things


For your own good Nathan


I hope this would not happen again.


Max ended the spanking as he pulled Nathan in a hug. They both needed to calm down. Max needed to let of go of the anger he was feeling towards those guys while Nathan needed to stop crying. "It's okay now. Let's just not repeat such a thing" Max said as he rubbed the boy's back. "Are you okay, Nath? Do you need your inhaler? The cigarette irritated your lungs?" Siva asked. Nathan shook his head, cuddling into Max, not wanting to let go of the man. "Max, isn't going anywhere. Now, do you need your inhaler?" Tom asked, chuckling. Nathan nodded as Jay got the inhaler for him. Ruffling the boy's hair, Jay reminded him, "Never forget again, Nath. No talking to strangers."

As Nathan pouted, the others had a good chuckle.


Dedicated to marina_dorame!

Thank you to those reading.

Sorry for the irregular updates.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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