Victim of an eating disorder

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Prompt - Can you do one where Nathan develops an eating disorder and Tom and Max find out? Can you do one where Nathan develops an eating disorder? The boys notice him losing some weight but thinks nothing of it until one day after a big meal Tom hears him throwing it up and puts two and two together. Max than punishes Nathan because Max has a younger sister that has an eating disorder


Tom and Max considered themselves to be responsible for the band as they were the oldest. The took care of the younger ones. They were the ones who disciplined the younger boys as well as helped take the pressure off them. They tried their best to not let the younger ones feel the pressure of being in a boyband but they knew that it wouldn't always be possible to do so, hence they always told the boys to come talk to them whenever they felt like it was too much. They believed that the boys would always come to them if need be. But Nathan had found another solution. One that wasn't really a healthy solution.

Between the concerts, interviews, meetings, recordings and meet and greets, Nathan could hardly cope up. He was tired. He was homesick. He just wanted a few normal non-hectic days. Nathan knew that he should tell his bandmates about it all but he was reluctant. He feared that they would all blame him as on top of all their band-related work, Nathan had agreed to model for one of his photographer friends. Honestly speaking, it was probably the modelling part that was overwhelming him but Nathan refused to believe that. He had let himself be talked into modelling and wouldn't even hear a word against it.

Nathan hadn't even realized how much damage his modelling schedule was causing to him. Running from concerts to interviews to photoshoots, he barely had the time to eat. And before he could realize it, he had started skipping meals. At first, it was only because he didn't seem to be having time for a proper meal but then it started becoming a well-thought thing. Nathan happened to overhear some of the models speak about how they kept themselves fit by eating less and skipping meals. Soon, Nathan started to walk the same path. He wanted to be just as fit as those models and also like the boys. He felt that if he was in as a good shape as the boys, they wouldn't view him as someone who needs to be protected always and disciplined as well.

It didn't take long for his bandmates to notice that something was wrong. They had tried to talk to Nathan about his recent obsession with modelling but the talk seemed to be getting nowhere. Instead Tom was so ready to pull Nathan over his lap but then he thought over giving the boy some time. They had noticed how Nathan hadn't been eating well and worried about the boy, Tom decided to order takeout and have a lazy day with a big meal kind of day. Nathan hadn't been able to refuse the boys as even he missed spending time with them. About the food, he figured that he'll just have to throw it up afterwards. But his plan didn't really work out too well.

Tom had made sure to give Nathan a larger serving and when the boy tried to whine, a quick stare had him quiet. They were all very pleased to see Nathan eat in front of them. After the meal, the boy excused himself while the boys were setting up a movie to go to the bathroom. When he didn't return after some time, Max went to look for him. When he heard throwing up sounds, he rushed towards the boy thinking that he was sick but when he saw the boy with two fingers in his mouth, making himself sick, it didn't take him long to realize what was going on. "Nathan" he gritted through his teeth. Nathan looked back in surprise and upon seeing the anger on Max's face, he couldn't help but be really scared.

Max had pulled Nathan up and dragged him to the room. In a swift movement, he had the boy bent over the bed and removed his belt. Before Nathan couldn't even brace himself, Max had started spanking him.




Hearing the belt sounds, the boys rushed upstairs. Tom and Siva pulled Max back while Jay pulled Nathan in a hug. "Max, what the heck are you doing?" Siva shouted. "The belt, Max? Look at how you made him cry?" Jay said. "Ask him what he did. He was there forcing himself to throw up. He's got no idea what he was doing" Max shouted. "Max, go downstairs and come back only when you have calmed down, okay?" Tom said, pushing the man out. Max glared at Nathan before going.

While he was gone, the others tried to calm Nathan down. "He hit me" Nathan sobbed. "Is it true that you were making yourself sick?" Jay asked. "I just wanted to be fit" Nathan sighed before telling them the whole story about how he started skipping meals for his photography schedule and then how he later overheard the models about keeping themselves fit by starving themselves. "Nathan do you even realize how you talked yourself into an eating disorder?" Siva sighed. "You know Nath, Max has a little sister who had an eating disorder. Max hasn't seen her in years now as she is in rehab. That's probably why he snapped" Tom said. "You little ones have no idea how much you hurt us when you do stupid things like this" Max mumbled as he walked in. Nathan looked up, the guilt finally getting to him.

"I'm sorry" Nathan finally said, "I didn't even realize it would become an eating disorder." "You get it now why we told you that modelling wasn't the right thing for you right now" Jay said. "It's not a good thing to starve yourself to be fit Nath. There are other healthy ways like eat properly and exercise" Siva said. "I just wanted to be as fit as the others and as you all so that you don't have to protect or punish me" Nathan whispered. "But you still have to punished for this, Nath" Tom snorted, then nodded as he looked towards Max. "I can't go through this again, Nath. I can't let what happened to my sister happen to you too" Max said. This time Nathan let Max pull him over his lap.


Only five more buddy because I think you understand what you did wrong.


"I'm sorry Max. I won't do this again" Nathan sobbed as he clung to Max. "I know kiddo. I won't let you be a victim of eating disorders" Max said, pressing a kiss to the boy's temple. "Nath, you have to eat in front us all the time now" Jay said. "And no more modelling for you until we say so" Siva said. Nathan whined. "And buddy it doesn't matter if you have a bit of a tummy or pack some muscles, we'll always pull you on our lap to discipline you if need be" Tom reminded the boy. Nathan hid his face in Max's arm, pouting as he heard the others chuckle.

For the next few days, the boys kept a good watch over Nathan and even forcefully fed him when he refused to eat. Max, especially, refused to let Nathan be a victim of an eating disorder. He was ready to even pull the boy over his lap if it meant he could get the boy to eat. And slowly Nathan started getting better with the help of his bandmates. He was no longer the victim of an eating disorder.


Dedicated to Castsands001!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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