Wandering in the dark

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Prompt - Can you do one where Nathan is walking to the park, but the boys dont know where he is and when he gets to the park he feels like someone is watching him, but he brushes it off and continues on doing whatever then some guy comes up to him and tries to kidnap him and as he is dragging him away some other older boy came to save him. After the boy saves him he brings him back home, where the boys are all pacing around the room and are worried. When the boys see him they rush up to him and make sure he is okay and then Nathan tells them everything that happened and then they thank the boy who saved Nathan. After the boy leaves Tom and Max turn angry and spank Nathan for not telling them where he went and then it becomes a fluffy ending? (BTW this is for book 2 of the wanted spanking fan fic)


Nathan has heard this a thousand times probably that he shouldn't wander outside after the dark. His mum used to tell him so a lot and Nathan chalked it up to her protectiveness. When he joined the band, his bandmates also kept forbidding him from staying out till late. Nathan, though, made the mistake of thinking of it as their overprotectiveness too until he actually learnt of the dangers of the dark.

It had been one late evening when Nathan sneaked out of home while the boys were each in their rooms. Nathan knew that he shouldn't have gone out after his curfew but he thought he'd be fine since he was only going till the park. He only meant to walk to the park, sit for a while and just be alone for some time. He didn't pay much attention to the time and didn't even think of what could be hiding behind this darkness.

Nathan had been walking to the park when he heard a noise behind him. Nathan looked behind but didn't see anyone. He walked a few steps further but he could still feel as if someone was watching him. Feeling a bit apprehensive, he quickened his pace. But once he got to the park, he came face to face with the one who had been following him. "Hello handsome. What's such a pretty boy doing out here alone?" The man asked as he tugged on Nathan's arm.

Nathan was really scared when the man approached him but once the man started touching him, Nathan knew he was in trouble. He started panicking when the man started leading him to his car and hence he did the only thing that came to his mind. He screamed, tried to hit the man and caused a huge commotion to attract people's attention towards him. And thankfully someone did notice what was going on. "Hey, what's going on there?" came a voice from behind.

The boy was not much older than Nathan nor did he look any more physically built than Nathan. But the boy came to his rescue. He ran forward to them even though Nathan's stalker didn't look any concerned by the boy but the boy was clever enough to call for help and alert other people around them. And soon a much older boy was running towards them. The man who was going to kidnap Nathan thought better of trying to fight the older boy as he drove away quickly.

As soon as the man ran away, Nathan could take a sigh of relief. "Hey are you okay?" The boy who was about the same age of Nathan asked, before adding, "I'm Ace, by the way." "I'm Nathan" Nathan whispered. "Are you boys okay?" The older boy asked and Nathan noticed that the man looked about Tom's age. "Nathan, that's my big brother Mason" Ace said. "Shit, my brothers... I mean my bandmates must be waiting for me" Nathan remembered. "Ace, can I trust you to drop this little one home and be back quickly. I have to take the others home" Mason asked. Ace nodded, wrapping an arm around Nathan as he chatted away, "Let's go Nath. Can I call you Nath, right?" Nathan nodded, smiling as he followed the boy.

Once they got home, Nathan felt extremely relieved to finally see the boys. Siva and Jay hadn't waste any time to pull Nathan in a hug as Tom and Max also joined in. "Are you okay buddy?" Siva asked. "Do you know how worried we were?" Jay asked. "Where did you go?" Max asked. "And who is that?" Tom asked, pointing to Ace. Nathan slowly recounted how he sneaked out and nearly got kidnapped. He then introduced Ace as the one who saved him, "Ace and his brother Mason saved me." Nathan did feel the gasp all around before Tom walked to Ace, "Thank you for helping Nath." "And convey our thanks to your brother too" Max asked. "Sure! Uh... I should be going now. My big brother, Mason, he would make my butt toast if I stay out till too late." Ace nervously giggled. "Then you better get going kiddo" Tom chuckled as Ace said goodbye to Nathan before driving off.

Once Ace had been gone, Tom turned to Nathan. "You see why we used to tell you not to stay out till late?" Tom said. "You see now how many dangerous people are there in the dark" Max sighed. "This could have turned really bad" Jay said. "And all this could have been avoided if you hadn't sneaked out at first" Siva pointed out. "I'm sorry" Nathan offered. "Not quite as you'd be now" Tom said as he pulled Nathan over his lap, pulling the boy's jeans and boxers down before spanking him.


Don't you dare sneak out next time!


What were you even thinking wandering outside in the dark?


You're lucky that Ace and his brother were there to save you


What would we have done if you had gotten kidnapped?


Don't you dare pull such a stunt on us again!


Tom ended the spanking as he pulled a sobbing Nathan to cuddle in his arms. "Never again" Nathan promised. "We hope so buddy" Tom sighed. "Bless Ace and his brother for helping our boy out" Siva mumbled. "Thank God Nath's safe" Jay whispered. "No going in the dark again my boy" Max sighed, pressing a kiss to Nathan's head. For sure Nathan wandering in the dark would get less now.


Dedicated to Emileeeesloannn!

Thank you to those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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