The scientific experiment again

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Prompt - Can you please make one where this happens again with the scientist because for some unknown reason they come back and Nathan is like 3 years old or 4 years old but this time it lasts for a whole week instead and so Nathan wouldn't be able to tell he was being experimented on again the scientist put it in his water instead. Please and thank you


After their last run in with the scientist, Nathan had gotten a bit careful about not getting too close to strangers. He already had been victim of those crazy scientific experiences twice now and he didn't want to add more to it. Even the boys had been a bit wary of running in the scientist again. They made sure to watch Nathan's back but unfortunately they had been unable to prevent the scientist's next attack on Nathan.

They hadn't even spotted the scientist. They were all busy wrapping up the concert to return back home. Nathan had been an absolute pest during that concert and Max was so done with Nathan's attitude. As they made their way back, Nathan made the mistake of mouthing off a fan who unfortunately wanted nothing more than an autograph but was victim of Nathan's bad attitude. As soon as the words 'fuck you' left Nathan's mouth, Max had been dragging him backstage. And swiftly pulled the boy over his lap.


I didn't appreciate your attitude


Nor did I like that language you used


I hope you won't do such a thing again


Never again Nathan


Max ended the spanking as he pulled Nathan in a hug. "You're okay buddy. Stop crying now" Max tried to soothe the boy. "Sorry" Nathan kept sobbing. Max looked around for a water bottle when someone handed him one. Without even checking who it was, Max made Nathan drink the water so that he could calm down. "Tastes funny" Nathan said, looking up at Max. Max frowned and looked behind to see that the one who had handed him the water bottle had disappeared.

As they made their way back home, Nathan had fallen asleep and Max forgot about the water incident but the next morning when they woke up, Nathan had turned into a 4 year old. "Oh my god! Is it Nath?" Max asked. "We found him like this when we woke up" Jay sighed. "How did this happen though?" Siva asked, still bouncing an upset looking little boy in his arms. "Oh shit" Max gasped. "You know how this happened?" Tom asked Max. "Someone handed me a bottle of water which I made Nath drink after the spanking. The water must have been spiked" Max mumbled. "Your fault" Nathan whispered glaring at Max.

The whole day had been a complete mess. Nathan alternated between being angry and sad. He just couldn't control his emotions. After all, which 4 year old can control his emotions? Tom, Siva and Jay had been the only one taking care of Nathan as Max, feeling too guilty, decided to leave for the night. The next day they had been waiting for Nathan to age up again as the 24 hours were nearly over but Nathan didn't age up. When Max returned, it was to tell them, "He won't age up now. It would take a week. I met the scientist." Max's knuckles were a proof of what kind of meeting he had had with the scientist.

Given that Nathan was all upset, the boys decided to spoil him rotten. From cookies to Disney movies, the boys had been trying hard to cheer Nathan up. But Nathan still wouldn't talk to Max. "I'm really sorry buddy. I didn't even know that the water was spiked. If I knew, I wouldn't have let you drink it" Max whispered to the boy. "I'm sorry. Not mad at ya. Just mad. No want to be small" Nathan mumbled, snuggling in Max's side. "But you're such a cute baby." Tom pouted. "We love you more than our big Nathan" Jay teased. Nathan pouted at Jay, making Siva say, "We love you. Baby or not."

The whole week went with the boys trying to cheer their little one up as well as get the boy to enjoy his little side too until he ages up. But they were also pretty much waiting for the week to be over. Clearly, it was a relief to have their Nathan back after the week. They were going to have to keep an eye for such scientific experiments on Nathan again.


Dedicated to LarryLashtonNom!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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