A biting habit

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Prompt - One where at the start of the band (hehe sorry I just always picture Nath being like 15-17 years old) Nathan has the habit of hitting but every time that the boys try to grab his hands he bites them, so one day the one of the boys tries to get Nathan's hands but Nath bites them and the lad gets mad and smacks his mouth telling him off. Nath tells on the lad with Jayne and Jayne gets very motherly and punishes the lad and then finds out that Nath has been hitting/biting the boys so they all come up with an embarrassing punishment for him.

Prompt - How about one where Jayne kinda became like a second mother to Nathan, during their first year she kind of also became like a guide to the boys as to how to discipline Nath in certain situation, e.g. if they're in public, if it's at an event/gig, if it's at home, if it's with fans/interviewer, etc.


When Nathan got in The Wanted band, he was homesick for a long time but slowly with time, he got close to the boys. Tom, Max, Siva and Jay had become quite like brothers for him but if he missed someone the most, then it was his mother. But Jayne helped quite a bit as she was somewhat like a mother to him. And not only to Nathan but also for the other boys. Jayne was there to help them out, to help keep them in line and especially to help keep Nathan in line.

Jayne had learnt about the boys spanking Nathan and she personally was all in favor of it if it helps keep Nathan on his best behavior. She had herself given the boy a few smacks on the backside. Nathan was still a teenager when he came to the band and to help the boy behave, they had to turn to disciplining him. It actually worked well on Nathan and though he hated getting a spanking, Nathan had to accept that it helped him a lot. It certainly worked well until the boys encountered a problem; Nathan had started biting them.

It had been at a meet and greet when Max just couldn't watch Nathan misbehave like that. He had pulled the boy backstage and pulled him over his lap.


I had enough of your tantrums.


You don't get to be cranky to fans who've waited so long to meet you


You better be on your best behavior boy


Or you'd be getting worse than what you're getting.


Max expected Nathan to fight him over this spanking and for sure the boy had been wiggling around but Nathan caught Max off guard, when he reached up to bite Max's hand. "Hey" Max shouted, pulling his hand back. "Nathan, what have we told you about biting?" Tom shouted at the boy. Max had tried to turn Nathan back on his lap but Nathan bit him again and this time Max lost his cool. He reached over and smacked Nathan on the mouth. Jay gasped as he reached out to Nathan but Nathan shook him off and ran out crying. Jay followed Nathan while Siva reached over to see Max's bite wound.

"Nath's with Jayne" Jay said. "He didn't bite too hard. You need to ice it though" Siva said. Meanwhile Nathan had ratted Max's out to Jay and had cried his heart out to the woman about Max smacking his mouth. Minutes later, Jayne was walking to Max in anger, turning the boy sideways as she spanked him.


You don't get to hit my boy


You hit his bottom and not his mouth


"Ow, Jayne stop" Max squirmed. "Jayne, Nathan was misbehaving out there that's why he got spanked" Siva said. "I'm not speaking out the spanking. I'm speaking about Max hitting him on the mouth" Jayne said. "Pretty sure buddy boy here didn't say anything about him biting Max" Tom said. "He did what?" Jayne asked. "He bit Max" Jay repeated. Jayne turned around, shaking her head at Nathan who looked down, sheepishly.

For the next few days, Jayne herself noticed how much Nathan was using biting as an option. When his latest victim happened to be Siva, the boys just had enough of it. They approached Jayne in order for the woman to suggest them some kind of punishment for Nathan but they just couldn't see anything. "Can't smack him on the mouth?" Max asked. "Not if you want me to smack you on the backside" Jayne said. "You hit hard" Max sighed. "I have to go meet my friend. She just had a baby. Say what you help me buy a gift for the baby and I'll help you find a solution for Nathan" Jayne said. The boys whined at the mention of shopping but Jayne left them no options as she took Max and Siva along with her.

When Max and Siva returned, Jay had been holding an ice pack to Tom's forearm. "Not again" Siva sighed. "Bit me when I tried to drag him out of bed by his ears" Tom sighed. "You didn't spank him?" Max asked. "He'll bite again" Jay pointed. "Not anymore" Max said. Tom shrugged as he called Nathan down before turning the boy sideways to spank him.


Why don't you get it Nath?


No more biting


Nathan turned around to bite Tom when suddenly Max pushed a pacifier in Nathan's mouth. "What the hell is this?" Nathan spat the pacifier out. "Well, we think that if you can't stop biting then instead of us, you should probably bite the pacifier" Siva said. "Pacifiers are for babies" Nathan pouted. "Biting is what babies do" Max pointed out. "Especially babies who are teething" Tom joined in the fun. "I don't any paci" Nathan groaned, grumpily as he ran off to his room. "Where did you get this idea?" Jay asked. "From shopping for Jayne's friend's baby" Max laughed. "Totally Jayne's idea" Siva chuckled.

They did it a few times. Whenever Nathan tried to bite them, they'd pop the pacifier in his mouth. The boy got really embarrassed and slowly, he grew out of his biting habit. And the boys were really glad for it but that didn't mean that they did not tease the boy. Sat on the couch, they teased Nathan by trying to pop the pacifier in his mouth. "Stop" Nathan pouted, burying his face in Tom's shirt. "Now who's teasing my boy" Jayne asked as she walked in. Nathan ran to the woman, letting the woman pull him in a hug as he glared at the boys. The boys could only chuckle at him.

For sure, Nathan wouldn't bite anyone again.


Dedicated to Nazzayah!

Thank you those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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