Alone on a train

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Prompt - Nath joins the band but soon feels very homesick so he runs away the boys find out and get very worried, they find out Nathan was on a train going back to Gloucester. (Boys worried he took the train by himself-Nath laughs since he's been taking the train by himself since was 10/11 for school) But the boys still decide to punish him which Nath is surprised about not expecting these party boys to become parental and strict all of a sudden


Nathan thought that nobody had noticed how homesick he was. He thought no one had time to even bother about the youngest being a bit off lately. After all, they had just formed this band and Nathan wasn't even sure if he belonged to this group. They were all older than him and sometimes Nathan just felt a bit alone amidst them. Hence the youngest started missing his mum, his sister, his home a bit more than usually.

The boys definitely saw that Nathan was a little off. They did realize that the youngest member of their band was probably homesick but since Nathan was much younger than them, the boys just didn't know how to approach this situation. They thought that if they kept Nathan distracted and busy, the boy wouldn't have time to be homesick. And what better way could it be to keep the boy distracted than throwing a party. The boys thought if Nathan was busy having fun in the party, he just wouldn't be homesick. But they were wrong with this idea.

The party seemed to have been much more fun for them than Nathan. While they were having fun, drinking, dancing, mingling with people of their age, Nathan was feeling more and more homesick. He couldn't obviously drink. He didn't know most of the people around or they were much older than him and Nathan wasn't really at ease to talk with them. And the little one was a bit shy too. He tried to stick around for a bit but then retreated to his room. An already feeling quite low Nathan didn't waste any time sneaking out of this party with a little bag in hand as he boarded a train to Gloucester, back home.

None of the boys noticed when Nathan sneaked out. In fact, they had gone back to bed and it was only in the morning that they noticed the absence of one certain little one. While the other three were nursing a hangover early morning, Siva noticed that Nathan wasn't anywhere to be seen. He decided to go look for the younger one when he saw an empty bedroom. "Nath's not in his room" Siva rushed down to tell the boys. "Must be here itself" Max mumbled. "I'll look outside" Jay said but after a few minutes he returned back shaking his head. "I have a bad feeling about this" Siva sighed. "I'll call Kev and get him to find the boy." Tom suggested.

When Kev called them back to inform them that Nathan caught a train all by himself to go back home, Tom and Max were absolutely furious. But more than angry, they were just purely worried about the boy. They asked Kev to get them to Gloucester as quickly as possible. And when they got there, despite not being quite happy with Nathan, they had all pulled the boy in a group hug. "Don't you ever dare do this to us" Siva breathed out. "You don't run away without telling us" Max warned. "That also on a train all alone" Jay sighed.

They were not prepared to hear Nathan giggling and all looked up at him in surprise. "But I've been taking trains all alone since I was young. How do I think I went to school and all?" the boy laughed. Though, this time, he wasn't prepared for Tom to pull him sideways and spank him.


I don't care that you are used to taking trains, you don't scare us like that ever again.


Tom ended the short spanking. He just wanted to let Nathan know that he was wrong in taking a train alone. But Nathan burst in sobs right there. "You hit me" Nathan sobbed. "Aww buddy" Jay sighed. "He didn't hit you. He spanked you" Max stated the difference. "It's okay now. Come here" Tom said as he pulled Nathan over his lap and started rubbing his back. "Buddy, now we're in a band. We're responsible for each other. You can't just leave without telling us. We thought something happened to you" Siva explained. "And what if something does happen to you but we can't help you as we don't know where you went" Tom added. Nathan sheepishly looked up as he mumbled, "Sorry. But you guys didn't have time for me. I was just homesick." "We know. That's why we threw a party for you" Max explained. "But it wasn't a good move" Jay clarified, laughing. Nathan chuckled along with them. Tom smiled as he tightened the hug.

When Nathan's mum returned, the boy hurried to get off Tom's lap and pretended as if nothing happened. He didn't want his mum to know that he got spanked nor that he had scared the boys. Whereas the boys decided to keep a better eye on the boy. Their little one could set out alone on such journeys and scare them quite often.


Dedicated to Nazzayah!

Thank you to those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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