Chapter 14 - Third Party

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He looked around for Genevieve. But instead, he found Ron. Beside him was...


She was talking with Ron. They were too far away for Jeff to lip read. He felt a pang of ... jealousy. Then Genevieve spotted him and gave him an apologetic smile. Then she dragged Ron away. Jeff shrugged.

She was just another girl right?


30min later...

Veronica was sitting next to him. Jeff talked to her, literally. They smiled and flirted till Jeff had a headache. The bell gone off and the mathematics teacher marched in on time. Genevieve and Ron were still nowhere to be seen. Just then they hurried in together. Genevieve was in a grumpy mood while Ron was all smiles. What was going on? Jeff wondered.

Veronica kissed him goodbye and walked away.



35 minutes ago...

She walked into the school compound. Genevieve needed to see Ron before class.

Striding into the school, she went to the toilet to cool down an be mentally prepared for whatever she needed to say. Just then, she bumped into a girl with long, brown hair. The girl narrowed her eyes. Hazel. Something like Jeff's.

Why was she thinking of Jeff?

"It's you." The girl said."Newbie." Genevieve looked at her. Too proud for her own good. She thought.

"Supp." Genevieve said. Not frightened of the random girl. Genevieve tried to walk out of the door but the girl got in her way.

"Stay out of Jeff's way." She hissed. Genevieve narrowed her eyes.

"Why? Because you got a major crush on him on what. Go ahead and get him! No one will really care except you. I'm just his... friend. So butt out of my way or I'll hurt you." Genevieve said and pushed her out of the way.

The girl growled at Genevieve and tried to step on her toes with her 5 inch high heels. She nearly got Genevieve till someone grabbed her out of the way.


He placed her behind her and looked at the girl angrily.

"Veronica, stay out of her way!" Ron warned. The girl aka Veronica flinched but stared at him challengingly. Ron broke away and grabbed Genevieve's arm.

"Let's go." He said and they hurried away.

"So... are you alright?" He asked. Genevieve nodded.

"I got to go..." She said. Ron held her.

"Can we just walk to class together?" He pleaded. Genevieve as usual too polite to say 'no', agreed. They walked together. Genevieve cannot help but feel the gazes of the student body on her. Even though Ron was unfazed by the attention. And even seemed to be liking it. On the way, he cracked some jokes, which weren't really very funny. The situation was under control until they walked passed the corridor.

When Genevieve saw Jeff. Her stomach sank. Jeff's expression was so shocked and there was hurt reflected in his eyes. Damn it. Genevieve thought. She was sorry. She didn't even do it on purpose!

Ron's smile seemed to be even brighter. While Genevieve's mood seemed to be even sadder.

"Well, look it's Jeff!" Ron sniggered.

"What's wrong with him?" Genevieve defended. Jeff was her friend!

"Um... you are defending that guy? Gen! He is one of the worst guys in the school!" Ron said in exasperation. Genevieve rolled her eyes. He wasn't like that!

"You should get to know him better." Genevieve sighed and walked away from him.

"Wait!" Ron yelled. Genevieve kept walking.

"I'm sorry Gen!" He apologised," I didn't mean it!"

Genevieve looked at him. She sighed.

"Ok fine."

"Um... Are you free tomorrow?" Ron asked. Genevieve looked at him stunned.

Ron is asking me out? Genevieve thought. Wow. But she suddenly out of the blue thought if Jeff.

"Oh."She said. Ron looked at her hopefully." I'm sorry. No."

Ok. that was a lie. She was free but she wanted to spent that time with Jeff not Ron. If that was possible.

"Oh, it's ok. Maybe next time." Ron said coolly. And they walked solemnly to class. Ron's smiled widened when they rushed to class.

What's wrong with him? Genevieve thought.


Mathematics seemed to have passed quickly. When the bell rang, Genevieve stood up and raced out of the door. She did not want to face Jeff. After that awkward kiss the day before.

Apparently, Jeff had caught up with her. He held her gently.

"We need to talk." He said.

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