Character POV 1

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Me: Where the hell is this place?!

Genevieve:*Munches cookie* oh please, you were the one who sent me to this rotten place. Is this hell? *widens eyes* oh shit, I gone through the wrong door! Damn it now I cannot see Jeff anymore!!! *starts wailing, tears pouring down*

Me:*pats Genevieve on the back* I don’t know where I sent you though. I just came here to talk to you.

Genevieve: What? Oh. You meant ‘character analysis’ right?

Me: *Sighs* I know my English sucks. Yep, so how’s life?

Genevieve: *Glares daggers at me* YOU THINK?! I am stuck in this junkyard with shadows lurking everywhere know. Sheesh. Anyway, I found myself a very confusing character, even I don’t get myself sometimes, like how is that possible? *laughs*

Me: So… *cracks fingers* what is confusing?

Genevieve: First my ‘father’ got killed (in a ‘car accident’ due to him nearly exposing Ms C’s secret, so she killed him) and then I had to live with my ‘mom’.

Me: Nods. He was a spy too, well, he got a bit too fond of you. Your ‘mother’ lost custody of you because she was kind of useless. Anyway I preferred you to go with your ‘father’. He took better care of you.

Genevieve: So did they ever date before? *scratches head.*

Me: Yeah… for 4 years. Although it was harmless.

Genevieve: *moving on* Oh, then I went to this high school and then met my ‘guide’ or that guy who stole my ‘mother’s’ thumb drive.  He’s name was called Jeff, okay, I admit he was cute. *Blushes*. And then, I met Ron and started comparing him and Jeff. Eve came in during freaking algebraic class. Afterwards, Veronica entered the picture and tried to make Jeff hers. (Normal high school drama)

Me: Duh. It must have drama somewhere right?

Genevieve: I became Jeff’s temporary then sort of official girlfriend. (Yay, my favourite part) You just had to introduce Jenny to the story and wreck me and Jeff’s relationship do you? *folds arms and glares at me*

Me: *grins* It is not my fault! You were agitated.

Genevieve: *Rolls Eyes* Then, you set me up with Ron. (EW, who dates their twin brother?!) And on my (Gen’s) birthday, you made Ron knock me out cold and take me to the damned forest. And on the same day, I got back together with Jeff, yay paper cranes. But I am not a two timer! *Waves hands frantically in the air*

Me: You never liked Ron, all you wanted was to get back at Jeff didn’t you? Besides, everyone ships Jefferieve.

Genevieve: … *blushes beetroot red*

Me: HAH! I knew it.

Genevieve: *coughs* But I don’t really get Ms C’s mind set though. Why would she try to help me and fake to be the bad guy as well?

Me: I shall go visit Ms C later, maybe.

Genevieve: *nods* sent her my regards. Also, the after effects of the thing was kind of cool. I can read your mind now and see if I will go back to earth or die in hell. *Closes eyes and tries to read*

Me: *puts up a wall*

Genevieve: *grunts* so how did Eve get into the picture?

Me: Veronica was smart and dragged her along with her, because she was your good friend. I think Veronica was slightly jealous of you.

Genevieve: *laughs* Also… WHY THE HELL DID I GET SHOT?!

Me: *ponders for a moment* Ms C was right. She knew more people were going to assassinate you. There were people after you.

Genevieve: Huh… so she is good. Perhaps that’s why she was in heaven.

Me: *Nods* Smart girl.

Genevieve: So am I going to hell?

Me: Maybe… wait for the next chapter!

Genevieve: Geez…

*Leaves the place and heads down to earth.*

Jeff: What do you want? *Sagged shoulders and worried face*

Me: Interview you.

Jeff: Not interested.

Me: I am the author you idiot! I COMMAND you to accept the interview.

Jeff: *motions hand* Please do start then.

Me: So, how is you and Gen’s relationship coming on?

Jeff: *ears turning pink* um… she is dying. You asshole.

Me: Sorry bro. *pats Jeff on the back.*

Jeff: Damn you. *sniff*

Me: So what do you think of Jenny?

Jeff: She isn’t Genevieve, although they are the same person. Gen is sweeter and more emotional, and I feel that Jenny is just like my sister in a way. But Genevieve is different. In a good way. *smiles unknowingly* that’s why during homecoming… *blushes again* um… I told her… um… yea.

Me: How about Veronica?

Jeff: *waves hand absent-mindedly* just a friend. Just a good friend. But I seriously hope she and Ron eventually gets together. Heheheh.

Me: *nods* so… last question, will you eventually marry Gen if she revives?

Jeff: -no comment- well, actually maybe *winks*

Me: Hey Gen you heard that?!

Genevieve: *pops out from nowhere* Oh. *blushes*

Jeff: Dude, I didn’t mean for her to hear it! *sighs* It was meant as a surprise. Moreover, she might be stuck in hell. *pouts*

Genevieve: Are you losing faith in my ability?

Me: … Gen time to go and continue down the road. Jeff you too need to settle problems.


*Genevieve hugs Jeff and disappears*


FYI: This is not part of the story. Next chapter coming up!

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