Imagine #99 -- Jin of BTS

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I look up to the sky as drops of water slowly start falling, the rain becoming heavier within minutes. I cover my head with my hands, about to run under cover when the rain stops around me. I look around to see an umbrella above me with a boy holding it up, looking at me.

"Hello, I'm Jin" He says, smiling.

"What's your name?" He asks, switching the hand that was holding the umbrella up.

"________" I respond, looking at him in confusion.

"Would you like to share an umbrella?" Jin offers.

"Where are you heading?" I ask, not wanting to be a burden.

"Just to the book cafe around the corner actually" Jin says, pointing in the direction.

"Oh really?" I am surprised. I am heading to the same place, needing to return my books.

"Are you going there too?" Jin questions. I nod, and he smiles.

"Then we can go together!" He leads me off to the cafe, our shoulders brushing so that we are both covered by the umbrella. We arrive and quickly go inside, saying goodbye before heading our separate ways. I return the heavy stacks of books that were in my bag and stroll around the book shelves, pulling book after book off the shelf. After I realize I have a little too many, I check them out and sit down in the cafe that is joined, ordering a warm drink and opening my first book. I look up when someone sits in front of me, smiling widely.

"Oh, Jin!" I return his smile.

"Can I sit here with you?" He requests, and I nod, watching him shuffle into the seat opposite me. I place my book down, knowing I can read it later. We speak for a while, Jin ordering himself a drink as well. We don't notice the sky growing darker and the rain becoming heavier until a lady comes to tell us the cafe is closing. We go outside under the cover, and watch the rain.

"I was hoping that the rain would've stopped by now" I sigh, looking up and down the street. It isn't too cold out, since there is no wind. Jin opens his umbrella.

"Would you like to walk together?" He offers, twirling the umbrella.

"Oh, no, you don't have to"

"But, I want to" Jin interrupts, smiling before pulling me under the umbrella with him. We walk together for a while, before we reach the front of my house.

"I guess I'll see you around" I say, smiling.

"Am I allowed to get your number?" Jin requests. I nod, taking his phone and entering the number.

"Bye Jin"

"Bye, ________" Jin says, stepping closer and hugging me goodbye. I step under the cover of my house and watch Jin walk away. He waves one last time, smiling widely before turning a corner.

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