Imagine #122 -- Leo of VIXX

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Walking into the cafe, you and your best friend steal a table, falling into conversation. Only a few minutes after your arrival a waiter appears at the table.

'Can I get you anything to drink?' He asks quietly, pulling a notebook out of his apron pocket.

'Kitty,' Your friend starts, calling you by your usual nickname. 'What do you think of chai lattes? Should I try one?' She looks at you for an answer and you smile.

'I like them, if you don't like it I'll swap with you' You offer, before looking up at the waiter.

'I'll have a Caramel Cappuccino please,' You pause, looking to your friend, who nods, 'and a Chai Latte for her'

'Okay... I'll bring them out in a few minutes' The quiet boy says, meeting your eyes for a moment before hurrying away.

'Cute' You friend says, before turning to you and switching topics. A few minutes later your drinks come out and the boy hardly stays long enough to place them on the table.

'Looks like someone absolutely adores you, Kitty, he can't even look at you' Your friend laughs, noticing the boy look back just before disappearing behind the counter.

'Drink your latte' You say, pointedly ignoring her words.

'Euk! I thought you said this was good! Here, you have it' She says, pushing the drink towards you. You smile happily, swapping the drinks over and poking you tongue out at her.

'I think it tastes perfect'

After talking and drinking for a while, your friend picks up the napkin from under her cup, only for paper to fall out of it.

'What's that?' You ask, watching her open it.

'Well, it's adorable for one thing, but it's not for me it's for you' She says, smirking at you.

'What? What do you mean?'

'It say's "To: Kitty? From: Leo(Your waiter?), You're, um, very cute and I would like to ask you out for a coffee this afternoon"'

'Liar' You say, stealing the paper and reading it yourself. The writing was hesitant and now you realize why he ran away so quickly.

'So, are you going to stay and meet up with him?'

'I guess I could' You smile, looking over at the boy who was serving another customer. 'He is cute after all'

Even though your friend wished to stay until Leo ends his shift, she has to leave and points her finger at you. 'You have to call me tonight and tell me everything that happens' Only 15 minutes after she leaves you notice Leo taking off his apron and cleaning up, facing away from the counter, so you walk up to the counter.

'I hope you know that my name is ________, not Kitty.' You say, smiling as you see his face turn to look at you.

'________' He says, smiling and becoming flustered. 'Ah.. shall we go?'

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