Imagine #111 -- Zelo of B.A.P

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Looking over towards Zelo, I rest my chin on my hand. Everyone around me was giving each other valentine's gifts and chocolate, making my heart soar. Valentine's day was great if you had someone to spend it with, otherwise, it's an easily forgotten holiday. Zelo was always sweet to everyone, shyly accepting chocolates from admirers under the watchful eyes of Daehyun, who stood at his side. I had planned all day to pass along my own token of affection to Zelo, now I just had to work up the courage. Having Daehyun standing right next to him didn't help at all.

"_________, have you gotten a valentines present today?" My best friend slides into her chair next to me. Study period had started 5 minutes ago, but with the teacher missing, she was free to be as late as she wanted.

"About as many as you"

"So none then?" She laughs, then looks over at Zelo. "You going to give him those chocolates I saw you with? I heard he was accepting them but that he already had someone he liked"

"That's not something you should tell me!" I protest, hiding my face in my hands.

"If he has someone he likes maybe I shouldn't do this" I wonder, looking towards Zelo.

"You're doing it" She says, pushing me out of my chair and throwing the neatly wrapped chocolate to me.

"Go get 'em" She says, leaning back as if to watch a show. Slowly walking up to Zelo, I see him notice me.

"These are for you" I quickly say, placing the next to him and stepping back.

"Happy valentine's day!" I squeak, spinning away quickly.

"__________!" Zelo calls out, but I just race back to my friend.

"I think you dropped your scarf" She points out, making me look back round at Zelo, who had picked up the scarf and was walking over. My cheeks go red, and I hit myself on the head.

"That was stupid" I scold myself.

"If by stupid you mean adorable, then yes, that was stupid" Zelo comments, draping the scarf over my neck. If my cheeks weren't red before, they definitely were now.

"Pretty sure if was just stupid" My friend contributes, earning a sarcastic laugh from me.

"Oh ha you're so funny" I tell her, shaking my head.

"You also forgot something else" Zelo continues, leaning down with his hand behind his back.

"But I didn't drop anything else..." I protest, but go silent when Zelo smiles.

"I know, but you left so quickly I couldn't give you this" He says, bringing out a small white and red tulip.

"Roses are overused, but a tulip suits you perfectly" He says shyly, holding out the flower.

"Please take it so that I can go hide now" He adds.

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